Fuel Cost Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial Services > Fuel Cost


Utilize the Fuel Cost Setup to establish fuel prices referenced to compute a Fuel Surcharge. Refer to the Fuel Surcharge topic for more information including setup examples.


Figure 28: Fuel Cost Setup



Technical Field Information




Load From

Provide a beginning date or a date range that the Fuel Price is in effect. Press the  button to enter a date using the Calendar Control. The dates are compared to the Actual Load Date to determine if the price is in effect. If the Actual Load Date is not set, then the first date in the requested Load Date spread is referenced.

The Actual Load Date is set within the following locations:

Move Information

Order Information (Revenue Entry)

The Load Date is set within the Range within the Move Information tab.

Load To

Fuel Price

Enter the price of fuel for the given load date range (in dollar and cent format).

Entered By

Date Entered

These field indicate which user added the record to the system along with the date and time of the entry.

Modified By

Date Modified

These field indicate which user updated the record along with the date and time of the entry.




Fuel Surcharge