Edit Punch


This dialog is available by selecting the Edit option from the right-click menu on activities listed within the Mobile Crew Time data grid. From this dialog, you can provide a new time entry for a person and optionally mark it as overtime and/or as approved. You can also attach a message to the time entry.


Figure 105: Edit Punch dialog



Technical Field Information




Punched In

Enter or update the date and time that the activity started or stopped for this person. Enter the date in MM/DD/CCYY format or use the Calendar Control to pick a date. Time is entered in 24-hour, military time, i.e. 2:00 p.m. is entered as 14:00.

Punched Out

Is Overtime

Check this box if the time entry is considered overtime.

Is Approved

Check this box if you wish to approve the time entry when Save is pressed.


Provide information on the changes made (up to 64 characters).


Keep changes made to the activity and close the dialog.


Close the dialog without saving any changes made to the activity.



Add Punches

Enter Actuals

Export Punches to Payroll