Difficulty Factor Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Operations > Difficulty Factor


Define base difficulty factors used when calculating the duration of service within Calculate Difficulty Factor from within Add Local Service.  Calculate Difficulty Factor increases the default hours set for the service in relationship to the difficulty specified. 




Factor Name

Enter description for the factor used when computing duration of service through Local Dispatch (up to 20 characters).  This name will name will appear as the Factor field that the user selects from.


Enter the factor as the percentage increase added to the default Difficulty Factor.  For example, if the Difficulty Factor is 1, for no increase in service duration, then a factor of .24 would modify the Difficulty Factor of service to 1.24 of the computed time (a 24% increase).

The Difficulty Factor is used to increase the amount hours for a service (crew times hours) by an additional amount computed as:


 (NUMBER IN CREW multiplied by HOURS FOR SERVICE) multiplied by FACTOR



MoversSuite provides the following default settings:


Default Factor Name

Default Factor





High Value Items


Long Carry


Self Storage


Stair Carry
