Data Warehouse Refresh

MoversSuite Administration > Collections > Data Warehouse Refresh


Use the Refresh Data function to manually pull the latest data for all customers from Microsoft Dynamics GP into AR Credit & Collections and automatically reassess alert status.  Refer to Data Warehouse Refresh Job Scheduling for information on the automatic update process.


MoversSuite holds static data from Microsoft Dynamics GP and relies on a refresh process to pull in the latest data, thereby increasing processing times within AR Credit & Collections.


Additionally, the Refresh Data function re-processes alerts.  Therefore, changes made in regards to Alert Setup and Customer Settings will only be in effect upon a data refresh.


The following table describes the fields and functions within this setup.




Refresh Data

Refresh Data

Use this function to update AR Credit & Collections data from Microsoft Dynamics GP and reassess alert status.  Changes made within any AR Credit & Collections setup area and to the customer within Customer Settings will only be in effect upon data refresh.

See Data Warehouse Refresh Job Scheduling for details on the automated process.


Note: A Time Remaining field will appear on the screen when refreshing to indicate how much time is left before the refresh is complete.


Current Status

This field will display “Data Refreshing” when the application in process of updating data and will display “Completed” once the update is complete.

Reported At

This field displays the date and time of the last data refresh, either through the Refresh Data function or through an automated process. 

When Current Status is “Data Refreshing,” this field displays the date and time that the update process started.


Technical Note:

The GPWarehouse database table contains the static detail records for orders linked to AR Credit & Collections.