The Containers, Packing and Unpacking (CPU) system allows users to enter material estimates and actual as well crating information. The system comprises of an Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen that provides separate estimate and actual entry based on where the user accesses the screen.
Figure 1: Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking screen
MoversSuite allows material counts from external application to import directly into an order. Imported actual counts and actual counts set internally in Local Dispatch and Revenue Entry produce revenue and revenue imports into Revenue Entry. Additionally, standard work tickets and invoices display material counts.
The features of the CPU system include the following:
•Ability to set estimated and actual counts for containers, packing and unpacking at the order as a whole and for individual services comprising the order
•Ability to import actuals into revenue items for billing and invoicing
•Ability to set crating data for the order as whole or individual services comprising the order; crating data is informational only and not directly associated to revenue
•Counts for estimates and actuals along with crating data appear on several standard reports
•Carton information exchanges through several external applications, including SIRVA and TechMate
•Guaranteed pricing can be set for selected billed items
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Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking