Statement Import Process


You can import statement files containing items for payments, cash receipts, etc. from a van line. The Import function available through the Import Menu within Payment Management initiates the import process from a selected file. Successful imports appear as a batch in Batch Management with a Status of Open or System.


A generic file format is also available.  his format provides the ability to create a file from a spreadsheet that can be imported directly into Payment Management. Refer to Generic Import for details.


Reference Statement Imports for available file formats.


Information with solid fill

If you are a SIRVA agent, then you can utilize the SIRVA Agent Statement Import to import JSON files that download automatically and be available immediately through the Cloud Statements screen.


The import process verifies existing transactions for orders included in the import and automatically applies the payments or charges that have been satisfied. You can adjust and apply other transactions manually. When all payments and charges are fully applied, the batch can have all necessary accounting transactions created.


The following table describes the general process of importing a statement from a van line.





Open Payment Management.


Press Import to access the Open screen.


Select a file to import from the list of available formats (refer to Import Menu for a list) and press Open. By default, the application attempts to open the Downloads folder on the application server.

A progress indicator appears when the application is processing the file.


Figure 30: Checking for Errors dialog


NOTE: The import process warns you if the same file was previously imported.




Upon completion of the import process, the Statement Import Summary screen appears. This screen allows you to verify the import file and make adjustments to the batch record as needed. You can also correct invalid or missing Order Number and Payment Code data.


Check the Statement Amount. If it contains a negative dollar amount, then the file may contain a negative balance forward from a previous import. If this is the case, you can Cancel the current import, locate the file outside of MoversSuite, and, using a text editor such as Notepad or spreadsheet application such as Excel, and edit the import file by removing the entire line containing the journal entry for the balance forward, save the file, and reprocess the file through the Import function.


Make corrections, if necessary, to the Description, Cash/Clearing Account, and Wire/Journal Date

The application uses the Wire/Journal Date to post all batch transactions. This date needs to match the transmittal date of funds for the batch.


Use the Associate Order and Assign Payment Code option to make corrects to missing or invalid Order Numbers and Payment Codes.


Press Done to complete the import process and add the import file as a batch within Batch Management with a Status of Open for General Payments and a Status of System for Cash Receipts. You can apply the statement as needed to revenue through the Payment Application screen.


The application places imported statement files in the Processed subfolder on the application server within the same location as the selected import file.



Batch Management

Import Menu

Payment Application

Payment Management

Statement Import Summary

Statement Imports