Revenue Generated for QuickBooks Report

File Name: Revenue GeneratedQB.rdl


If your company integrates with QuickBooks for your accounting system, then you can view the Revenue Generated Report specific to QuickBooks by establishing this report.






Branch ID

Select *(all) to include all branches or select branches from the drop-down list.

Select *(company wide) to turn off grouping by Branch.

Date Type

Select the Date Type per detail level desired. The result listing will be grouped per date type selected.

Date From

Choose the starting date.

Date To

Choose the ending date.

Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.


Report Details


Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the report name i.e. “Revenue Generated.”


Displays the Branch Name along with Branch ID.

Revenue Clerk

Displays the Revenue Clerk as set in order’s Billing Information.

Move Type

Displays the Move Type as set in order’s Move Type Setup.


Displays the Shipper Name along with the Order Number.


Displays the Booked Date set in Move Information tab of order.


Displays the Load Date set in Move Information tab of order.


Displays the Delivery Date set in Move Information tab of order.

Document #

Displays the Document Number generated through MoversSuite, storing the accounting transaction data that was posted in Microsoft Dynamics GP.


Displays the charge type description.

Doc Date

Displays the Document Date.

Journal Date

Displays the Journal Date.

Generated Date

Displays the Generated Date.


Displays the total revenue amount.


Refer to the QuickBooks Integration topic for more information.