Mass Copy Van Line Group Service Code to Item Code Mappings


This dialog is available through the menu within the search options  within Item Code Setup. This function allows you to copy the service code mappings from one group to another group for all Item Code Setup records (not just those filtered by the Search). For example, if you have 30 records defined with “Generic Service Codes” and you wish to perform this copy, then for those 30 records, the application creates 30 additional mappings to, say, UniGroup.


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Figure 76: Mass Copy Van Line Group Service Code to Item Code Mappings dialog


Settings and functions available through dialog are described in the following table:




Copy From…

Select a Van Line Group Setup record to copy from and to. The From setting sources all Item Code Setup mappings that match the selected group and for each of these builds a corresponding To group on that same Item Code Setup record. If there is no mapping that exists on an Item Code Setup record, then no To group mapping is created.

This function specifically references the Van Line Service Code to Item Code Mapping records within an Item Code Setup record.

Copy To

Copy Van Line Service Code Mappings

Pressing this button will start the copy process. A verification prompt and mapping results dialog will appear during the process (see the following sections below).


Pressing Copy Van Line Service Code Mappings prompts you to confirm the request.



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Pressing Yes will perform the copy and provide you with a count of the mappings created.


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The mapping process references Van Line Group Setup records. Within this setup area is a flag titled Inactivate Van Line Service Code to Item Code Mappings. If this flag is checked for the group you are copying to, then the application will ignore them when interpreting the mapping on imports from associated van lines. This is a safeguard to assist you in not creating duplicate mappings, which will cause import errors. Once you have all the mappings in place for the to group, then you unset this flag on the to group and check it on any others that may be in effect. Of note, the “Generic Service Codes” group is checked automatically after any other group that exists within the Van Line Group is checked first for a match.



Item Code Setup

Van Line Group Setup