Task Dependency Dates

The following table lists the Dependency Date values that can be assigned to MoversSuite tasks. You can also see tasks arranged by logical groupings within the Task Dependency Dates by Category topic.


NOTE: The Completion of Other Task and Documents Received dependencies provide special functionality. View the description in the table below for more information.


Task Dependency Date

Field Location in MoversSuite

Actual Claim Received Date

Actual Claim Received Date (Claim Detail in Claims)

Actual Closed to Customer Date

Actual Closed to Customer (Claim Detail in Claims)

Actual Delivery

Delivery Dates (in Actual) in Move Information

Actual Load

Load Dates (in Actual) in Move Information

Alert Received Date

Note (subject of “Claim Notification”) in Notes

Arrival At Destination Actual Date

Arrival At Destination (Actual) in Shipping Information

Arrival At Destination Estimated Date

Arrival At Destination (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Arrival Destination Port Actual Date

Destination Port Arrival (Actual) in Shipping Information

Arrival Destination Port Estimated Date

Destination Port Arrival (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Arrival Origin Port Actual Date

Origin Port Arrival (Actual) in Shipping Information

Arrival Origin Port Estimated Date

Origin Port Arrival (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Assigned On

Assigned On Date in the Other tab in Move Information

Book Date

Book Date in Move Information

Book Date in Job Information

Booking Number Delivery Actual Date

Del Act (Delivery section) in Pickup/Delivery Information

Booking Number Delivery Estimated Date

Del Est (Delivery section) in Pickup/Delivery Information

Booking Number Pickup Actual Date

P/U Act (Pickup section) in Pickup/Delivery Information

Booking Number Pickup Estimated Date

P/U Est (Pickup section) in Pickup/Delivery Information

Brokerage Collected Date

Brokerage Collected in Shipping Information

Certificate Date

Certification Number Date in Financial Information

Claim Closed Date

Date Closed (Claim Detail in Claims)

Claim Created Date

Date Created (Claim Detail in Claims)

Claim Form Sent Date

Claim Form Sent Date (Claim Detail in Claims)

Claim Settlement Assigned To Vendor Date

Assigned to Vendor Date (Settlement Entry in Claims)

Note:This is a reserved type that can only be used internally by MoversSuite to create a task based on a claim settlement.

Claim Settlement Invoice Date

Invoice Date (Settlement Entry in Claims)

Note:This is a reserved type that can only be used internally by MoversSuite to create a task based on a claim settlement.

Cleared Customs at Destination Actual Date

Dest Cleared Customs (Actual) in Shipping Information

Cleared Customs at Destination Estimated Date

Dest Cleared Customs (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Cleared Customs at Origin Actual Date

Origin Cleared Customs (Actual) in Shipping Information

Cleared Customs at Origin Estimated Date

Origin Cleared Customs (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Completion of Other Task

Setting the Dependency Date to this value enables the Dependency Task logic, where you can base the due date of a task on the due date of another task when it is marked completed. Refer to the Task Date section within the Add Task topic for more information.

Container Empty Date

Empty in Add Container

Container Loaded Date

Loaded in Add Container

Container Positioned Actual Date

Actual Positioned in Add Container

Container Positioned Estimated Date

Estimated Positioned in Add Container

Container Returned Date

Returned in Add Container

Customs Inspection End Actual Date

Inspection End (Actual) in Add Container

Customs Inspection End Estimated Date

Inspection End (Estimated) in Add Container

Customs Inspection Start Actual Date

Inspection Start (Actual) in Add Container

Customs Inspection Start Estimated Date

Inspection Start (Estimated) in Add Container

DC Delivery Date

Date of Contact in Distribution Center Information

DC Sched Early Date

Scheduled Delivery Date (first date) in Distribution Center Information

DC Sched Late Date

Scheduled Delivery Date (second date) in Distribution Center Information

Delivery Date

Delivery Dates (first date) in Range tab in Move Information

Delivery Status Sent Date

Delivery Status in Shipping Information

Delivery to Perm Stg Actual Date

Delivery to Perm Stg (Actual) in Shipping Information

Delivery to Perm Stg Estimated Date

Delivery to Perm Stg (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Departure Origin Port Actual Date

Origin Port Departure (Actual) in Shipping Information

Departure Origin Port Estimated Date

Origin Port Departure (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Document Received

Creates a task based on when a document of the specified Document Type is added to Document Management, either manually or through an automatic process.

Documents Printed Date

Documents Printed in Shipping Information

Estimated Time of Arrival

Estimated Time of Arrival in the Other tab in Move Information

Extra Stop End Date

Date Range (column two) in Extra Stops

Extra Stop Start Date

Date Range (column one) in Extra Stops

Inland Arrival Actual Date

Inland Arrival Date (Actual) in Shipping Information

Inland Arrival Estimated Date

Inland Arrival Date (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Inland Departure Actual Date

Inland Departure Date (Actual) in Shipping Information

Inland Departure Cut-Off Actual Date

Inland Departure Cut-Off (Actual) in Shipping Information

Inland Departure Estimated Date

Inland Departure Date (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Install Date

Install Date and Install Time in Store Information

Job End Date

Job End Date in Contacts and Locations

Job Start Date

Job Start Date in Contacts and Locations

Load Date

Load Dates (first) in Range tab in Move Information

Military 1840 Scored

Date Scored in Military/Government

Military 1840 Submitted

Date Submitted in Military/Government

Military Base Notified

Date Base Notified in Military/Government

Military Reweigh Date

Re-Weigh Weights > Date in Military/Government

Military Shipment Received

Date Shipment Received in Military/Government

Military Shipment Released

Date Shipment Released in Military/Government

Military Weigh Date

Original Weights > Date in Military/Government

O/A Papers Received Date

O/A Papers Received in Shipping Information

O/A Papers Sent Date

O/A Papers Sent in Shipping Information

Order/Lead Created

Created On in Job Information

Created On in Move Information

Pack Date

Pack Dates (first) in Range tab in Move Information

Pickup Destination Port Actual Date

Pickup Destination Port (Actual) in Shipping Information

Pickup Destination Port Estimated Date

Pickup Destination Port (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Port of Sailing Cut-Off Actual Date

Port of Sailing Cut-Off (Actual) in Shipping Information

Pre-Alert Sent Date

Pre-Alert Sent in Shipping Information

Ready to Bill Date

Ready to Bill Date in Financial Information

Ready To Go Actual Date

Ready to Go (Actual) in Shipping Information

Ready To Go Estimated Date

Ready to Go (Estimated) in Shipping Information

Released to Bill Date

NOT IN USE: Reference only

Move Manager Released to Bill in Shipping Information

This date is exclusive for UniGroup International Interface.

Shipping Detail Sent Date

Shipping Detail Sent in Shipping Information

SIT Dest Act In Date

Destination > In Date Actual in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Dest Act Out Date

Destination >Out Date Actual in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Dest Est In Date

Destination > In Date Estimated in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Dest Est Out Date

Destination > Out Date Estimated in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Dest Expiration

Destination > SIT Expiration in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Orig Act In Date

Origin > In Date Actual in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Orig Act Out Date

Origin >Out Date Actual in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Orig Est In Date

Origin > In Date Estimated in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Orig Est Out Date

Origin > Out Date Estimated in SIT/Recurring Billing

SIT Orig Expiration

Origin > SIT Expiration in SIT/Recurring Billing

Survey Date

Survey Date in Agents

Van Line Reg Date

Van Line Registration Date in Agents

Waybill Sent Date

Waybill Sent in Shipping Information