SIRVA Registration Upload Content


The table below contains a list of data from MoversSuite that uploads to SIRVA STS for order registrations through the SIRVA Registration Upload function. 


Refer to SIRVA Field Mappings in MoversSuite for modular listing.



Items denoted with SIRVA CODE REQUIRED require certain administrative settings to ensure correctly defined and mapped SIRVA STS codes.  Refer to the SIRVA STS Integration Setup and Administration section for a complete listing of administrative settings.



SIRVA Field & Description

MoversSuite Field Location/Description

Order Identifiers


Number assigned to the order within SIRVA

Order Number (is set upon successful SIRVA Registration)


The status of the order which may or may not trigger shipment status update

MSS Order Status (set to “Booked”)

Note: On backend, the Order Status is set to “Booked”


The time stamp of the exact moment we received the response that the order was successfully registered.  It is in the local time of your database server’s time zone.

Booking time/date from Book Order Information



Last name of the shipper whose property is being moved

Last Name/Company Name in Name, Address, Phone


First Name of the shipper whose property is being moved

First Name/MI in Name, Address, Phone


Phone number of the shipper

Moving From > Home Phone in Name, Address, Phone

Note:  Will be set to Phone Type of “Origin Home”



Email Address and Email Type > in Name, Address, Phone

For government (GSA) shipments, the email address is required and must map to an External Code of “GEE” within Shipper Email Type Setup, which is mapped to an Email Type set on the Name, Address, Phone tab. Reference Type Code of “GEE” is sent along with the Reference Number that is set as the Email Address.


Last name of the consignee who will receive the shipment

Last Name/Company Name in Name, Address, Phone


First name of the consignee who will receive the shipment

First Name/MI in Name, Address, Phone


The consignee's phone number

Moving From > Home Phone in Name, Address, Phone


A number, that when used with a type code, identifies the Service Provider.   An example of an agent type service

Will set the Booking Agent when the bookSvcProvTypeCde is “A”

Booking Agent in Agents


Code that identifies the service provider as an agent

Hardcoded to “A” for agents.


Identifies a Shipment Type.  E.g. HHG = Household Goods, PRD = Product, GCM = General Commodity

Commodity in Move Information

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Commodity Type Setup


Describes the type of shipper, e.g. PVT = Private Transferee

Shipment Type in Move Information

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Shipment Type Setup


Describes the hauling authority under which the shipment is moved.  INTER = Interstate, INTRA = Intrastate

Type of Move in Move Information

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Order Number Style Setup and Move Type External Mapping Setup


Describes the method of payment, e.g. CHG = Charge

Payment Type in Billing Information



The Agreement ID under which the shipment is being moved

Tariff/Rate in Billing Information



Number that uniquely identifies a set of business rules contained in the agreement that usually pertain to a set or several sets of product characteristic

Section in Billing Information


The discount percent that is to be applied against a tariff or base offering for the shipment

Discount in Billing Information


Total estimated charge to the customer for the shipment

Estimate Amount in Billing Information


Indicates whether Peak Season Rates apply to this shipment

Peak Rates Apply in Billing Information


A unique identification number assigned to a customer account.

Account Number in Billing Information > National Account


This is the Billing Location Number from the STS screen RGR22 agent. More than one location number can be assigned to a specific customer number.

Loc Num in Billing Information > National Account

The application defaults to what is set for the National Account within Account Setup for the Default Billing Location Number. You can update this value using the Loc Num field, which only affects this one order. If this is not set, then the application sends the custNbr for the National Account, which corresponds to the Account Number set on the Billing Information tab.


Master Code allows you to provide additional information on the customer within the Memo field on the National Account record for a specific order.

Memo in Billing Information > National Account

You can utilize the Memo field to set an Order Memo for the customer and pass that information along to SIRVA. To do so, you will need to enter a Master Code and assign to it a value. Refer to SIRVA Master Code Definitions for more information.


The product code contains the information describing the type of product which will move under the specific shipment type. e.g. Shipment Type = PRD (Product), Product Cde = COMP (Computer Equipment)

Product Code in Shipment Information

Special Services orders only.



The Product Type Code describes the product types available to move under the specific Shipment Type, Product Cde. e.g. Shipment Type = PRD (Product), Product Cde = Comp (Computers) and Product Type Cde = MFR (Mainframe)

Product Type in Shipment Information

Special Services orders only.



Indicates whether the Booker requested to haul the shipment ('Y') or released the shipment to the van line for dispatch ('N')

Request Self Haul in Move Information


Identifies the person that sold the shipment

Salesperson in Name, Address, Phone

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Personnel Interface Mapping Setup


Identifies the person that did the estimate for the shipment or outside surveyor

OA Surveyor in Agents

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Personnel Interface Mapping Setup

Note: The Origin Agent must be set to a Sister Agent in order to access the OA Surveyor field.


Indicates whether the billing should be done by the van line

Invoice Requirement in Billing Information


Indicates whether the shipment is being handled as driver pack, load and haul rather than local agent pack, driver load and haul

Based on the Service Type in Move Information: if this field is set to “Driver Pack & Haul” the flag will be set.


Indicates whether the shipment is a full pack (Yes) or not (No).

Based on Packing Type set within Move Information.


For those shipments moving under GRR pricing program, this is the dollar amount by which the difference between actual CWT and estimated CWT shipment weight is multiplied

Credit Per CWT in Guarantee Price Information

This field will be referenced when the Rate Plan maps to a Van Line Code of “GRR”


For those shipments moving under the GRR pricing program, this is the maximum amount that will be charged for packing

Maximum Containers/Packing Charge in Guarantee Price Information

This field will be referenced when the Rate Plan maps to a Van Line Code of “GRR”


Standard carrier alpha code for the vendor that the military tendered the shipment to and turned over to Allied (e.g. CVLC = Cartwright Van Lines)

Bases > Carrier in Military/Government

Military orders only.

This field will be referenced when the Shipment Type maps to a Van Line Code of “MIL”


For Military shipments, the identifier for the origin Transportation Management Office

Bases > Origin in Military/Government

Military orders only.

This field will be referenced when the Shipment Type maps to a Van Line Code of “MIL”


For Military shipments, the identifier for the destination Transportation Management Office

Bases > Destination in Military/Government

Military orders only.

This field will be referenced when the Shipment Type maps to a Van Line Code of “MIL”


Identifies how the shipment was obtained for the company.  I = iMove, N/blank = No outside source

Hardcoded “N”


Identifies who will be the Move Manager for the shipment.  M = MoveLine, N/blank = Booking Agent

Hardcoded “N”


Agents identifier for who is coordinating the move

Transportation Coordinator in Name, Address, Phone

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Personnel Interface Mapping Setup


Identifies how the shipper is paying for the move.  When it is a COD or Pre Paid

Payment Method in Billing Information

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Payment Method Setup


A number, that when used with a type code, identifies the Service Provider

Hauling Agent (if self haul) in Agents


Code that identifies whether the Service Provider is a Vendor, Agent, etc.

Hardcoded “A” (for agents)


Small Shipment Program for SPD

Hardcoded “Y”


Indicates shipment is to be registered in NTS

Hardcoded blank


Estimated shipment weight

Estimated Weight in Move Information


Actual, hauled shipment weight

Hauled Weight in Move Information


The estimated cubic feet of the entire shipment

Cubic Feet in Move Information


The miles that includes all stops of the shipment used in determining the customer charges

Miles in Move Information


Date the shipment was registered (CCYY-MM-DD format)

Van Line Registration Date in Agents

Note: The full name of the person (as stored on their personnel record at the time of the registration) that registered the order in “first last” format is also stored along. If the name is too long (more than 26 characters), it will be in “last, first” order.


All information within the Locations section repeats for each type of location specified.


Identifies the type of location - Main Pickup (MP), Main Delivery (MD), Extra Pickup (XP), Extra Delivery (XD), or Port (PT)

Hardcoded “MP”, “MD”, “XP”, “XD”, or “PT”


A sequential Number assigned to the location within the shipment by Location Type

Hardcoded “1” or Main Pickup and incremented by one for each location specified thereafter


The shipment location's Standard Point Location Code

SPLC (prompted when uploading) in SIRVA - Registration Request


The following address fields must be set within the Moving From and Moving To - Primary sections in Name, Address, Phone.  Further there will need to be at least one Segment linking the address.  Additional Extra Stop data can be added as needed. 

All address fields denoted with a (*) must be set.  If Extra Stops are added, then the data therein must be complete as well.

lctnAddress.addr1 *

The shipment location's first address line

Moving From > Address (top line) in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > Address (top line) in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > Address (1)


The shipment location's second address line

Moving From > Address (second line) in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > Address (second line) in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > Address (2)

lctnAddress.cityNme *

The shipment location's city name

Moving From > City in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > City in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > City

lctnAddress.stCde *

The shipment location's state or province abbreviation

Moving From > State in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > State in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > State

lctnAddress.countryCde *

The shipment location's country code

Moving From > State in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > State in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > Country


The shipment location's zip or postal code

Moving From > Postal Code in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > Postal Code in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Address Information > Postal Code

IctnSiteCde *

Describes what type of facility exists at the location, e.g. WHSE = warehouse

Moving From > Location Type in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > Location Type in Name, Address, Phone


Identifies which contact for the location, e.g. P = Primary

Hardcoded “P”


The location contact's name

Hardcoded “same”

lctnAddress.CountyNmne *

County name at origin or destination

Moving From > County in Name, Address, Phone

Moving To - Primary > County in Name, Address, Phone

Add Extra Stop > Contact Information > County


Identifier for the service that is performed by the service provider.  Can be OASV, EASV, DASV, PTHA, PTHD

Hardcoded “OASV” (Pickup) or “EASV” (HHG Pickup) or “DASV” (Delivery)


A number, that when used with a type code, identifies the Service Provider who performs the service

Origin Agent and Destination Agent in Agents


Identifies whether the Service Provider is an Agent, Vendor, etc

Hardcoded “A”


A number, that when used with a type code, identifies the Service Provider who performs the service

SIT at Origin > Storage Agent  (when Agent is selected) in SIT/Recurring Billing


Identifies whether the Storage Service Provider is an Agent, Vendor, etc

Hardcoded “A” (for Agent)


City of the storage location

City of the Storage Agent set for SITSvcProvNbr is retrieved


The storage location’s State or Province Code

State of the Storage Agent for SITSvcProvNbr is retrieved


The storage location’s Zip or postal code

Postal Code of the Storage Agent for SITSvcProvNbr is retrieved


All information within the Segments section is repeated for each Segment for each From and To location specified in MoversSuite


A number that is sequentially assigned to the parts of the shipment

Number (for each record) in Add Segment


The estimated weight of the items to be shipped

Estimated Weight in Add Segment


The weight, in pounds, used to calculate the transportation charges for the shipment

Billed Weight in Add Segment


The estimated cubic feet that the shipment segment will occupy while being moved

Estimated Cubic Feet in Add Segment


The cubic feet that will be used for rating the shipment.  Applies when a special service request is involved e.g. - for Space Reservation

Billed Cubic Feet in Add Segment


The earliest date a segment is available for loading (CCYY-MM-DD format)

Load Date Range (col. 1) in Add Segment

agrdLdFromHour agrdLdFromMin

The earliest hour that a customer is available for loading.  This is not applicable for a HHG shipment

Load Time Range (col. 1) in Add Segment


The last date a segment can be loaded on time (CCYY-MM-DD format)

Load Date Range (col. 2) in Add Segment



The latest hour a customer is available for loading a shipment.  This is not applicable for a HHG shipment

Load Time Range (col. 2) in Add Segment


The earliest date that a segment should be delivered (CCYY-MM-DD format)

Delivery Date Range (col. 1) in Add Segment



The earliest hour when a customer will accept delivery of a segment.  This does not apply to HHG shipments

Deliver Time Range (col. 1) in Add Segment


The last date that a segment can be delivered on time (CCYY-MM-DD format)

Delivery Date Range (col. 2) in Add Segment



The latest hour that a customer will accept delivery of a segment.  This does not apply to HHG shipments

Delivery Time Range (col. 2) in Add Segment


Miles from Segment Origin to Destination

Miles in Add Segment


The earliest date when packing can be performed

Pack Date Range (col. 1) in Add Segment


The last date when packing can be performed

Pack Date Range (col. 2) in Add Segment


The Location Number that corresponds to the beginning point of the segment

Segment Number (first segment number referenced) in Add Segment


The Location Number that corresponds to the ending point of the segment

Segment Number (last segment number referenced) in Add Segment



A code that identifies the item, that is part of the segment inventory,  Examples of item types are: vehicle, boat, piano, etc

Hardcoded “VEHICLE”


The weight of a large item included in the shipment.  It can be a manufacturer's weight or a weight estimated by the person that surveyed the shipment

Automobile > Weight in Move Information


The measured length of a large item (feet for bulky item and inches for a crate)  Used in calculating cubic feet of the item

Automobile > Length in Move Information


The measured width of a large item (feet for a bulky item and inches for a crate).  Used in calculating cubic feet of the item

Automobile > Width in Move Information


The measured height of a large item (feet for a bulky item and inches for a crate).  Use in calculating cubic feet of the item

Automobile > Height in Move Information


Identifies the manufacturer for a vehicle

Automobile > Make in Move Information



Identifies the model of a vehicle

Automobile > Model in Move Information


Identifies the year of a vehicle

Automobile > Year in Move Information


Indicates whether the shipper wants the vehicle to move with the household goods: “Y” – must move with HHG; “N” – can move separate

Auto With Shipment (“Y” if checked) in Move Information



A unique identification number assigned to a customer account.

Account Number in Billing Information > National Account


This is the Billing Location Number from the STS screen RGR22 agent. More than one location number can be assigned to a specific customer number.

Loc Num in Billing Information > National Account

The application defaults to what is set for the National Account within Account Setup for the Default Billing Location Number. You can update this value using the Loc Num field, which only affects this one order. If this is not set, then the application sends the custNbr for the National Account, which corresponds to the Account Number set on the Billing Information tab.


Master Code allows you to provide additional information on the customer within the Memo field on the National Account record for a specific order.

Memo in Billing Information > National Account

You can utilize the Memo field to set an Order Memo for the customer and pass that information along to SIRVA. To do so, you will need to enter a Master Code and assign to it a value. Refer to the SIRVA Customer Order Memo and SIRVA Master Code Definitions topics for more information.


Describes what type of identifier the Customer Reference Number is

Based on the custRefNbr field: Set to “PO” for Purchase Order, “GBL” for Government Bill of Lading Number, or “SSN” for Military SSN.


The identifier by which the customer knows the shipment - e.g. a purchase order number

Either: Purchase Order Number in Billing Information or GBL Number or SSN in Military/Government

Guaranteed Rates


A code identifying a container type

Description in Guarantee Price Information (for each item entered; Descriptions reference a van line code mapping the Item Code Setup)

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: XmlItemCodes and Materials


Guaranteed unit price for the container

Rate in Guarantee Price Information (for each item under Containers)

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: XmlItemCodes and Materials


Guaranteed unit price for packing the container

Rate in Guarantee Price Information (for each item under Packing)

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: XmlItemCodes and Materials



Identifies what type of insurance the customer selected for the shipment

Valuation in Move Information



The total value of the shipment as declared by the shipper

Amount in Move Information


The value to be placed on the shipment as a per lb.  Declared value is calculated as weight x value per lb.

Per Pound in Move Information

SIRVA CODE REQUIRED: Valuation Per Pound



The carrier's bill of lading number

Hardcoded “9999999”


Identifies whether a product shipment has been released for the carrier's Special Products fleet

Preferred Van Requested in Move Information (set to “Y” if checked)


The total shipment miles.  Used only for shipments that are not supported by ATS

Miles in Move Information


Estimated Transportation Revenue to be generated by the shipment.  Rounded to the nearest dollar

Discounted Linehaul in Move Information


Code that identifies the marketing program being used.  M= More, N = None

Hardcoded “N”


Identifies how the survey was done.  M -= Manual, P = Phone, A = Allfax

Hardcoded “M”