Shipment Status Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Operations > Shipment Status


Use this setup to define the values available for the Shipment Status field within Order Information.  The Shipment Status can be set manually through MoversSuite and it can be set automatically through downloads from various external sources, such as Atlas, SIRVA STS, and UniGroup, defined within the Interface Item section.





Provide a name for the Shipment Status record (up to 64 characters). This value is available when setting the Shipment Status through the Set Shipment Status dialog.

Key Date

Set the date type used to determine the actual date of the Shipment Status History record when imported into MoversSuite.

Note: The Key Date references imported records and may or may not match what is stored for the order in MoversSuite.

If the Key Date is not specified, the application uses the current system date as the status date.

The following Key Date types are available:


IMPORTANT: Key dates are only used in Shipment History. They do not update any information on a MoversSuite order.


Key Date Type


Assigned to Load

Set the status record date to the Assigned to Load date from an import.

This date corresponds to the Assigned On Date managed within the Other tab in Move Information.

Delivered to Residence

Set the status record date to the Delivered to Residence date from an import.

This date corresponds to the Actual Delivery managed within the Actual tab in Move Information.

Delivered to Warehouse

Set the status record date to the Delivered to Warehouse date from an import.

This date corresponds to the Actual Delivery managed within the Actual tab in Move Information.

Destination SIT Out

Set the status record date to the Destination SIT Out date from an import.

This date corresponds to the SIT to Perm Date managed within the Destination section in SIT/Recurring Billing.


Set the status record date to the ETA date from an import.

This date corresponds to the Estimated Time of Arrival managed within the Other tab in Move Information.


Set the status record date to the Loaded date from an import.

This date corresponds to the Load Date managed within the Actual tab in Move Information.

Origin SIT Out

Set the status record date to the Origin SIT Out date from an import.

There is no corresponding date in MoversSuite.



Set the status record date the current system date.

This setting only affects the date when the record is imported; the application ignores this setting when the status is manually set through Set Shipment Status.

Set Order Status To

When the Shipment Status changes to what is set for this record, then the application can also update the Order Status to what is set in this field.

Refer to the MSS Order Status field description in Order-Level Functions and to Order Status for more information.

Interface Item


Use this section to link the record to an external system that may be required for exchanging data between disparate systems.


Select a value from the list defined within XML Interface Setup

External Code

Enter a code supported by the Interface for exchanging data with MoversSuite (up to 32 characters).

Shipment Status Action Item

Use this section to define what fields are available to the user when manually setting a status through Set Shipment StatusNote: Users will be able to update these values for the order from Set Shipment Status dialog.

The following action items are available (see Set Shipment Status for detailed field descriptions):

Actual Delivery Date

Actual Load Date

Assigned on Date

ETA Date

Hauling Agent

MSS Order Status

SIT Destination In Date

SIT Origin In Date

Van Number and Driver Information




Atlas Integration Setup and Administration

Long Distance Dispatch Setup and Administration

Order Status Setup

SIRVA STS Integration Setup and Administration

Third Party Application Setup and Administration

UniGroup Download Setup and Administration