Electronic and Online Payments Setup (Remedy)

This section provides information on setting up and administrating Electronic and Online Payments functionality for Remedy Payments, which will be referred to as Remedy within these instructions.


The following general steps are needed to establish Electronic and Online Payments on your system (followed by details on each step).




1.    Contact EWS Group and initiate the request for Online Payments.

2.    Setup an account with Remedy Payments.

3.    Add/verify that the correct Cash Receipt Payment Type records are established.

4.    Add a Note Type for Online Payments

5.    Create Electronic Merchant Setup record.

6.    Verify and update System Email Setup records.

7.    Update Personnel Setup records

8.    Setup MoversSuite orders for Online Payments.



Remedy Payments requires a connection to MoversConnect. If you do not already have access to MoversConnect, log a case with the Help Desk and they will assist you.


STEP 1: Contact EWS Group

Open a ticket through the support portal indicating that you wish to setup Online Payments with Remedy. The portal is available through the Help Desk Login option from the ewsgroup.com website.


STEP 2: Setup a Remedy account

Contact the payment processor and request a payment processing account. Contact information is available through the remedypayments.com. In your correspondence with Remedy, indicate that you are working to establish an account through EWS Group.


Once approved, the EWS Support Team will receive the Public Key and a Private Key, which are codes, to use in Step 5.


STEP 3: Add/verify Payment Types for Cash Receipts

To successfully process cash receipts as electronic payments, the following must exist in your system. Verify that the following item is established within the Cash Receipt Payment Type Setup:



Field Text

Credit Card

Credit Card Authorization



STEP 4: Add an Order Note Type for Online Payments

The application creates order notes for Online Payments related transactions (credit card payments, refunds, etc.). You specify the Note Type for these Notes within the Order Note Type setting within the General tab. You can select from a list of existing types or add one through the Note Type Setup.


Graphical user interface, text, application, Word

Description automatically generated

Figure 97: Note Type Setup



STEP 5: Complete Electronic Merchant Setup

With the assistance of our Support Team, use the Electronic Merchant Setup to create a Remedy record within MoversSuite Administration.


NOTE: Determine how many Merchant Setups to be built for a customer based on where the money for electronic and online payments is deposited. If each branch or subcompany has different bank accts, each gets is own setup and gateway. If multiple subcompanies or branches use the same, each of those goes to the one gateway.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Figure 98: Example of the Electronic Merchant Setup for Remedy


Instructions setting up an Electronic Merchant profile within Electronic Merchant Setup specificallyl for Remedy includes the following steps. See Electronic Merchant Setup for details on all the fields.


1.    Enter a Merchant Name. This can be simply “Remedy”.

2.    Select Remedy Gateway for Electronic Service. Selecting Remedy Gateway will prompt the required fields for Remedy.

3.    The Support Team will assist with this step. Click the Merchant Credentials button to open the Electronic Merchant Credentials screen (Figure 99). When your account was finalized with Remedy, two keys were generated: Public Key and Private Key. These keys were sent from Remedy to EWS Support Team. Enter the Public Key and Private Key and then click Close.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 99: Electronic Merchant Credentials screen


After the Merchant Credentials are entered, the following will happen:


    the Merchant Gate Code will show “Populated on first upload”

    the Merchant’s Active Status will show as Inactive

    this error will appear at the bottom of the screen



4.    Click Add on this Electronic Merchant record.

5.    Click the now enabled "Upload Electronic Merchant Settings..." button. Communications with Remedy then occurs, the Merchant Gateway field is populated, and the Inactive checkbox will be unchecked.

6.    Update the Branch Item listing to associate the branches that you wish to offer Electronic Payments and Online Payments through. To do so, use Click here to add a new Branch Item. You can only access Electronic and Online Payments functionality for orders assigned to branches established within the Branch Item listing. Additional security is also set on personnel records that control which branches they can select for payment assignment (Step 6).


NOTE: A branch can only be attached to one Remedy account.

From Online Payments (tab), check the Activate Online Payments box and complete the form.



STEP 6: Verify and update System Email Setup records

Update the text of messages received by your customers for Recurring Billing and Storage and Electronic and Online Payments for through the System Email Setup.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

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Figure 100: System Email Setup


In the default message below, a customer receives an email with the Email Subject and Email Message specified. You can update this information as needed. For example, you can choose to display invoice terms and specific contact information.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 101: System Email Setup record


Information with solid fill

The method by which emails is configurable. Refer to the Database Mail Setup topic for additional information. Additionally, this utility must be setup and running to utilize the email notifications through the Setup Credit Card/Bank Online Payment screen.


Refer to System Email Setup for more information.


STEP 7: Update Personnel records

Update Personnel Setup and Security Profile Setup records so that personnel you wish to access Electronic and Online Payments have appropriate privileges.


Electronic Payment Management Security Module

Once Electronic and Online Payments is enabled on your system, all users can access the following through the Accounting Tools Menu:


Credit Card/Bank Payment

Setup Credit Card/Bank Online Payment


They can also access the Capture New Payment Method screen through the AutoPay Setup (Recurring Billing) tab, as well.


However, these users can only add records for branches to which they are assigned to the Electronic Payment Management module. Therefore, assign the Electronic Payment Management module to each profile for each branch that you wish people to be able to add records through the following:


Credit Card/Bank Payment

Setup Credit Card/Bank Online Payment


Additionally, assignment to this module grants access to the Payment Method Management screen, which allows them to update the payment status and nickname of a payment method assigned to a Billing Record. This module must be assigned to each branch that you wish people to access. Set the Access Type to Full. The Allow Manager Privileges flag has no effect.


Figure 102: Add Security Profile Detail dialog



Recurring Billing Setup Security Module

Since the Payment Method Management screen is accessed through a Billing Record, personnel must also have Full access to the Recurring Billing Setup module as well. This module is not branch specific, therefore a single profile record is all that is needed to access the functionality.


Figure 103: Add Security Profile Detail dialog



Cash Receipts Security Module

Since Electronic Payments generate Cash Receipts batches and utilize other Cash Receipts functions, each person you wish to process payments must have Full access to the Cash Receipts module for each supported branch. Additionally, set the Allow Manager Privileges flag to allow employees to refund and void Electronic Payments.


Figure 104: Add Security Profile Detail dialog


Information with solid fill

For this step, the Cash Receipts module must be properly established. Refer to Cash Receipts and Cash Receipt Payment Type Setup topics to know how to setup Cash Receipts on your system.


Report Profile Records

To generate Cash Receipts, update Report Profile Setup records to assign personnel to the report linked to the Print Receipt button. This corresponds to the Report Setup record with a System Location of Cash Receipts.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 105: Report Setup


To generate invoices for Recurring Billing and Storage, update Report Profile Setup records to assign personnel to the report linked to the View Invoices button within Recurring Billing Management. This corresponds to the Report Setup record with a System Location of Recurring Billing Invoice.

Graphical user interface, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 106: Report Setup



STEP 8: Setup MoversSuite orders for Online Payments

Once all administrative settings are made, update orders to support Electronic Payments and Online Payments and process payments and/or capture payment information to verify connectivity. Verify Browser Security Settings and refer to the Electronic Payments and Online Payments topics for usage information.


Refer to the Electronic Payments Errors topic for a list of common errors and resolutions.