Standard Invoices

Report Menu Names: Standard Invoice (long) and Standard Invoice (short)


This report produces printable invoices for both Revenue Entry (see Invoicing) and Recurring Billing Management


Two standard versions of the invoice report are available: A long version intended for Invoicing and short version for use within condensed version Recurring Billing Management.


The remittance section of either invoice is designed to have the customer (send to) address appear within a window of a standard business letter.




This is a system-generated reported. 





This is a system-generated report.




Link this report to the Invoice Report options available within Recurring Billing Generation by assigning the report to a Report System Location of “Recurring Billing Invoice.”

Link this report to the Invoice Report options available within Revenue Entry by assigning the report to a Report System Location of “Revenue Entry Invoices.”



Report Details


The following is the data that appears on the Standard Invoice (Long) and Standard Invoice (Short) reports provided by MoversSuite.


Standard Invoice Report (long and short)



Many fields are calculated based on the selected Invoice Terms in New Complete Invoice.  If the terms cannot be calculated, then those fields will not appear on the report. 


Additionally, many fields will be hidden from the report, i.e. no field label, if the value for the field is not set.


Data Displayed


Invoice Header (upper)


The Invoice Header is designed to be printed off and returned with the payment.  Data in this section prints above a dotted line with the caption “Please detach and return this portion with your payment.  Thank You.”

The Long version of the report repeats this data below the detach line as well.


Branch image from Image URL field and data defined for the Invoice Header address type in Branch Setup for the branch set within Header in New Complete Invoice displays in the upper left-hand corner of the report.

Van Line Image

Van line image from Image URL field set within Van Line Setup for the van line associated to the Header branch set within New Complete Invoice displays in the in the upper right-hand corner.

Invoice Date

Displays the Invoice Date set within New Complete Invoice after the field label of “Invoice Date:”.

Invoice Number

The generated value assigned to the invoice (labeled “Invoice #:”). The invoice number displays as the Order Number followed by the sequentially assigned number for that particular order (pre-MoversSuite 5.13.0) or as the system-assigned Invoice Number with no Order Number attached (post-MoversSuite 5.13.0).

If the invoice was generated using the Preview Invoice option, then the Invoice Number displays “Draft.”

Order Number

The MoversSuite Order Number displays in this field (labeled “Order #: “).

Customer Number

Identifier assigned to the customer set within the Send Invoice To in New Complete Invoice (labeled “Customer #:”).

Purchase Order

Purchase Order from Billing Information displays here (labeled “PO #:”).

Amount Due

The computed total dollar amount owed for this invoice (labeled “Amount Due:”)

Due Date

The calculated due date displays (labeled “Due Date:”).  The Due Date is computed based on the Invoice Terms selected in New Complete Invoice.

After MM/DD/CCYY pay

The Due Date displays in the field label along with the computed amount due for a late payment.  This amount is computed based on the Invoice Terms selected in New Complete Invoice.

Amount Paid

(Short version only)

A write-in line is provided.


The name and address of the customer being billed displays.  This customer is set within the Send Invoice To of the New Complete Invoice.

Remit To

Labeled “Remit To:” followed by the name and address set for the Payment Remittance address type in Branch Setup for the branch selected within Remit-To.

Invoice Conditions

(Long version only)

The Conditions associated to the Invoice Terms for the particular Invoice Header branch display below the totals amounts and due date. 

Refer to the Conditions field within Invoice Terms Setup for more information.

Invoice Message

(Long version only)

Custom messages defined for a branch in Invoice Messages Setup will display on the invoice report.

Invoice Header (lower)


This section repeats some key Invoice Header information below the detach line.

Additionally, the Invoice Date, Invoice Number, Customer Number, Purchase Number, Branch, and Remit-To are listed twice in this section for the Long version.

Invoice Date

Displays the Invoice Date set within New Complete Invoice after the field label of “Invoice Date:”.

Invoice Number

The generated value assigned to the invoice (labeled “Invoice #:”). The invoice number displays as the Order Number followed by the sequentially assigned number for that particular order (pre-MoversSuite 5.13.0) or as the system-assigned number with no Order Number attached (post-MoversSuite 5.13.0).

If the invoice was generated using the Preview Invoice option, then the Invoice Number displays “Draft.”

Order Number

The MoversSuite Order Number displays in this field (labeled “Order #: “).

Customer Number

Identifier assigned to the customer set within the Send Invoice To in New Complete Invoice (labeled “Customer #:”).

Purchase Order

(Long version only)

Purchase Order from Billing Information displays here (labeled “PO #:”).


The data (including name, address, and phone) set within Invoice Header address type in Branch Setup for the branch set within Header in New Complete Invoice displays here.

Remit To

Labeled “Remit To:” followed by the name and address set for the Payment Remittance address type in Branch Setup for the branch selected within Remit-To.


(Long version only)

The name and address of the customer being billed displays.  This customer is set within the Send Invoice To of the New Complete Invoice.

Amount Due

(Long version only)

The total dollar amount owed for this invoice (labeled “Amount Due:”)

Due Date

(Long version only)

The calculated due date displays (labeled “Due Date:”).  The Due Date is computed based on the Invoice Terms selected in New Complete Invoice.

After MM/DD/CCYY pay

(Long version only)

The Due Date displays in the field label along with the computed amount due for a late payment.  This amount is computed based on the Invoice Terms selected in New Complete Invoice.

Amount Paid

(Long version only)

A write-in line is provided.


The data (including name, address, and phone) set within Invoice Header address type in Branch Setup for the branch set within Header in New Complete Invoice displays here.

Order Information



The name assigned to the order through the Last Name/Company Name and First Name/MI fields (Name, Address, Phone) displays.

This field is labeled “Shipper:” on the report.


Salesperson assigned to the order through Name, Address, Phone displays.

This field is labeled “Salesperson:” on the report.


The actual or Hauled Weight of the shipment displays (available through Move Information). 

Note: The application will reference the Estimated Weight field value if the Hauled Weight is not set.


Estimated mileage needed for the shipment displays (available through Move Information).

This field is labeled “Miles:” on the report.


This section displays the Moving From address set within Name, Address, Phone) and includes the Address, City, State, and Country.

This field is labeled “From:” on the report.


This section displays the Moving To address set within Name, Address, Phone) and includes the Address, City, State, and Country.

This field is labeled “To:” on the report.



The Tariff/Rate set for the order through Billing Information displays.

This field is labeled “Tariff:” on the report.

Item Details


The specific detail of each revenue line item for the invoice is listed in this section.  Line items are created within the Transactions tab and within New Complete Invoice


Grouped items will appear in their own section with the group title in bold lettering. 

Figure 2: Invoice group

Text set for the group note display beneath the group title.

Item #

The Item Code set for the transaction.


Text description provided for the Item Code or ad hoc item displays.


The quantity values set for rated items will appear in these columns.  Numeric values for weight, crew, hours, etc. will display.



The dollar amount of the rate used for rated items displays.


The amounted entered directly for the gross amount or the computed amount based on rating displays. 


The percentage discount entered for the item displays.


This is the total dollar amount of the line item.

Invoice Note

Text set for the note associated to the line item display beneath the line item listing.

Payment Summary


Sales Tax

If Sales Tax Integration is enabled, the computed tax for the invoice displays.

Sub Total

If a Pre-Payment is specified, then the total of all line items displays with the label of “Sub Total:”


If a Pre-Payment Amount was specified when the invoice was generated (New Complete Invoice), the amount displays with a label of “Pre-Payment:”

Amount Due

These fields display in the Invoice Header as well (see above for descriptions).

Due Date

After MM/DD/CCYY pay

Invoice Conditions

The Conditions associated to the Invoice Terms for the branch (set as the Invoice Header) display below the totals amounts and due date. 

Refer to the Conditions field within Invoice Terms Setup for more information.