Move Type Setup

MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Move Type


Move Types define several key elements of an order including branch and general ledger assignment.  Users can assign move types through the Type of Move field within Move Information.


Information with solid fill

If a user has a Move Type with the exact name “Interstate” for the branch a new order is being created for, then that order will have its Move Type set to that “Interstate” Move Type. If, however, the download has a mapped Move Type, then the mapped Move Type will get set - the Interstate Move Type will not apply.







Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 95: Type of Move defined on Move Information tab


Type of Move setup is located in MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Move Type.


Graphical user interface, text, application, email

Description automatically generated

Figure 96: Move Type Setup



Technical Field and Function Information


This table describes the Fields and functions of the Move Type profiles listed under MoversSuite Administration > Administration > Move Type.




Move Type Tab


Enter the name of the Move Type record (up to 25 characters).  These records will be available as options to the Type of Move field in Move Information.

Note: If a user has a Move Type with the exact name “Interstate” for the branch a new order is being created for, then that order will have its Move Type set to that “Interstate” Move Type. However, if the download has a mapped Move Type, then the mapped Move Type will get set and the Interstate Move Type will not apply.


Make orders of this type available in Long Distance Dispatch

Set this flag to make orders belonging to this move type record available for assignment to drivers through Long Distance Dispatch.


This flag has no effect on Local Dispatch or Local Services.


Select a Branch from the list of those defined within the Branch Setup.  This branch will be the default for any order created using this move type record.

Move Type Group

Select a Move Type Group from the drop-down list to associate a general ledger account to this particular move type record.

Use Move Type Group Setup to create groups.

Note:  A generic type of “Not Mapped” has been provided by MoversSuite.

International Auto Register

Setting this flag instructs MoversSuite to automatically upload an UniGroup order when it is booked through the International Orders module.

Order Number Style

Select a style to apply to an order when the move type is assigned.  Refer to the Order Number Setup for specifics.

Selecting –none- will turn on the Manual Order Number flag that will require the user to enter a free-form Order Number when booking orders.


Figure 97: Unique Order Number dialog


See Unique Order Number and Book Order Information for more details.


Check this flag to mark this record as inactive. When inactive, the record is unavailable to assign to orders through the Type of Move setting, found within the Move Information tab and elsewhere in MoversSuite.

This setup does not initially display all inactive records. To view inactive records, click the dropdown selector  located in the upper right hand corner of screen. Choose Show All Items from the dropdown selector menu.


Figure 98: Multiple-record menu

Interface Item

Use this section to link the record to an external system that may be required for exchanging data between disparate systems.


Select a value from the list defined within XML Interface Setup

External Code

Enter a code supported by the Interface for exchanging data with MoversSuite (up to 32 characters).

System User Defined Label Override Item

You can utilize this section to define labels that override active labels set within the System Wide Options. If you define labels for a move type and that type is assigned to an order, then the labels for this record show within User Defined Fields tab on the order.

User Defined Label [1-8]

Select which System Wide Options label to override. Up to eight labels can be defined.

Those labels that indicate *Inactive Field* are those that are set as inactive within the System Wide Options. You can assign a label for inactive fields, however, they will not show in the User Defined Fields tab until they are marked as active within the System Wide Options.


Provide the text of the label that appears in lieu of the corresponding field set within System Wide Options (up to 30 characters). When active, this label displays within the User Defined Fields tab when the move type record is assigned to the order.


Use this function to create an exact copy of the record. Pressing this button opens a new record with all the details of the copied record; you can make changes and press Add to keep the new record.


Permanently remove this record from the system. MoversSuite prevents you from deleting a record that is in use by the application, i.e. linked to another record. If you wish to make the type unavailable to users in MoversSuite and to not initially display in this setup listing, then mark it as Inactive (see above).


Keep changes made to this record.


Discard any changes made since the last time the record was saved.



SIRVA STS Integration Setup and Administration

System Wide Options

User Defined Fields