Credit Card How Do I…

Below is a list of FAQs for how to handle different credit card scenarios:


First, what is the difference between Online Payments and  Electronic Payments?


Online Payments sends an email to the customer with a secure web link where the customer enters their information to pay an amount. See Online Payments for more information.


Electronic Payments are payments for when the MoversSuite user gathers payment information to process the payment and/or stores the information to be available for future charges. The two important questions for Electronic Payments are:


    Are you processing the payment now?

This is for when the customer gives you their credit card information for you to enter (and save for possible future use). See Electronic Payments (Pay Now) for instructions.


    Are you processing the payment later?

This is when the customer gives you their credit card or bank account numbers to use for a future payment. See Electronic Payments (Pay Later) for instructions.


See Electronic Payments for instructions on the payment process.

See Electronic and Online Payments for more information on setting up either method.



How do I process a customer’s credit card payment now?


To process a credit card payment now, see Electronic Payments (Pay Now).



How to link a credit card to an account for future use?


Use Capture Credit Card Information to securely capture credit card information from the customer using a secure web link that the customer completes. When complete, the credit card will appear in dropdowns under “Payment Information on Hand” See Electronic Payments (Pay Later) or Online Payments for more information on using the captured credit card information.



What to do if a credit card expires?


There are two ways to address an expired credit card:


1.    Call the customer to get a new credit card number using Electronic Payments and Capture Credit Card Information screen.

2.    Send the customer on Online Payment link to capture a new card number. See Setup Credit Card/Bank Online Payment and use the Credit Card Capture option.



Problem: Payment was processed but a Cash Receipt wasn’t created within MoversSuite. What do I do?


Use Electronic Merchant Payment Research to see if the payment was successful or unsuccessful. If it was successful, a Cash Receipts button is prompted for use at the bottom of the Electronic Merchant Payment Research screen. Click to create the Cash Receipt. If the payment was unsuccessful, reattempt the payment using the transaction method used. See Electronic Merchant Payment Research for instructions on how to use the tool.



How do I know what happened to a credit card processing attempt?


Use Electronic Merchant Payment Research this tool lets you see what happened, or didn’t happen, on that attempt. See Electronic Merchant Payment Research for instructions on how to use the tool. This is helpful for those “My customer was making an Online Payment and clicks again when “do not click enter again” is warned” moments.



How to see what Electronic Merchant was used as the payment processor for a credit card?


Use the Payment Method Management to find out what Electronic Merchant was used for a transaction. Only users with appropriate security can access this tool which is listed under Accounting Tools. See Payment Method Management for instructions on how to use this tool.



How do I modify the wording on automatic emails relating to credit cards?


From within MoversSuite Administration, go to Accounting and Financial Services > System Emails. Choose an email, customize the verbiage, and Save. See System Email Setup for instructions.



How do I move Online Payments from one credit card processing company to another?


See Credit Card Switch Providers for instructions.


How do I set up a credit card payment?


Use Setup Credit Card/Bank Online Payment to establish an Online Payment link for a customer with a provided email address. See Electronic Payments (Pay Later) for additional details.