Summary (Claims)


Use the Summary tab in Claims to view posted and open amounts for all Claim Items, generate transactions for open items, and produce invoices for Handling Revenue and Receivables.


Figure 21: Summary tab


The summary data grid provides posted and open amounts broken down by the following categories.

Chargebacks by Branch

Chargebacks by Vendor

Handling Expenses by Vendor

Handling Revenue by Customer


Settlement Amounts by Branch


The application summarizes the posted and open dollar amounts of claims in the following groups:

Settlement Amount



Handling Revenue

Handling Expenses


MoversSuite recommends verifying the Summary data with the Claims Out of Balance Report prior to closing the claim.


The following table describes the functions available within this tab.




Generate Transactions (Alt+T)

This function will post open transactions related to claim items after prompting users for key dates within Transaction Dates.

Invoice (Alt+I)

This function opens the Invoice Management screen allowing the user to invoice for claim related items. The application will import Handling Revenue and Receivables into the invoice (see New Complete Invoice for more information).