Order Information (Revenue Entry)


The Order Information tab in Revenue Entry provides the user with the ability to set a revenue clerk and confirm key billing data such as move type, commodity, and the billed customer.  Users can also add special instructions, view commissionable employees, and enter actual counts and hours associated to a local service request from this tab.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 2: Order Information (Revenue Entry) tab


The following table describes the fields available within this tab. 




This tab combines many of the fields from Order Information imported to the revenue processing process. 





Shipper Contact Information


Last Name/Company Name

Enter the last name or company name of the shipper (up to 26 characters).

First Name/MI

Enter the first name of the shipper (up to 16 characters). 


Enter the email address for the shipper (up to 120 characters). 

Once the record is saved, users can click on the email address set here and the application will evoke the system default mail utility (such as Microsoft Outlook) placing the email address set here as the message recipient.

Phone Numbers

Select a phone type and enter the corresponding phone number for each contact phone number provided for the shipper. 

Phone types are defined with Shipper Phone Type Setup and affect several imports including those from Atlas, SIRVA, and UniGroup.


Phone Numbers for most phone types affect Bookmarks data (see Order Information Bookmark Fields).

Press the phone icon  to access Phone Number Entry drop-down menu.


Use a right-click option to remove a phone number.

Figure 3: Right-click option to remove a phone number entry


Users can rank phone numbers to give them a priority in the listing.  Lowest numbers appear at the top of the listing and non-ranked numbers list after the ranked ones.


Figure 4: Phone number ranking


Multiple Email Addresses Grid

The Multiple Email Addresses Grid is present right next to the Shipper Contact Information grid and allows you to enter multiple email addresses for the shipper.


Figure 5: Multiple Email Addresses grid


The setup area linked to this functionality is Shipper Email Type Setup. The records in this grid can be arranged using the arrow keys present next to the grid. The email type that makes it to the top of the grid, is referenced in forms and other places where a single email is required.


To delete a record, open the order in edit mode, right click the record to be deleted and select Delete Email Address.


Figure 6: Multiple Email Addresses grid


Email Type

Choose one of the email types from this dropdown. The dropdown lists all the email types entered through Shipper Email Type Setup.

Email Label

Enter a custom label for the email type for reference while viewing the order.

Email Address

Enter the email address for the shipper (up to 120 characters). 

Once the record is saved, users can click on the email address set here and the application will evoke the system default mail utility (such as Microsoft Outlook) placing the email address set here as the message recipient.


Field Details





120 characters


Atlas Order Download Content

IGC QuickMove Content

SIRVA QLAB Lead Upload Content

UniGroup Quotes to Go Upload Contents

UniGroup Quotes to Go Local Estimate Download

UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download

UniGroup Registration Download Content


The Multiple Email Addresses Grid validates the provided email records for any logical errors in the Email Address field. Upon saving, an error window collectively displays all the errors if it finds any of the following:


    Email Type dropdown left empty

    Email Label field left empty

    Email Address field left empty

    Duplicate Email Type

    Missing email prefix in the Email Address field

    Missing email domain

    Use of multiple “@” symbols


To send an email to any of these email addresses through MoversSuite Email Service, simply double click a record or right-click on any of the record and click Send Email.


Figure 7: Multiple Email Addresses Grid


Note: You can send an email to more than 1 recipients at a time by using the Ctrl+Select method and then selecting the Send Email option through right-click menu.


Use these arrow keys to sort the email records entered in the grid.



Actual Load Date

Enter the actual date of the load for this order (also managed in the Actual tab in Move Information).

Actual Delivery Date

Enter the actual date of delivery for this order (also managed in the Actual tab in Move Information).


View/update the division from the list.  See Divisions for more information.




Select the customer billed for the item using the drop-down menu selector containing a list of recently selected customers , using the Customer Quick Find, or by using the Customer Find

Customer records are managed through Microsoft Dynamics or through Customer Setup, depending on your system setup.

Bill To Address (Alt+B)

This section displays the billing address for the selected customer.  Press Bill To Address button to open the Choose Billing Address screen where a user can select a different address to bill.

Moving From

This section displays the address assigned to the order within the Moving From section in Name, Address, Phone.

Moving To (Primary)

This section displays the address assigned to the order within the Moving To – Primary section in Name, Address, Phone.

Moving To (Secondary)

This section displays the address assigned to the order within the Moving To – Secondary section in Name, Address, Phone.

Revenue Clerk

Select a clerk responsible for processing revenue for the order.  This setting is also accessible through Billing Information.


Note:  Revenue clerks are employees with a Status of ACTIVE and a Labor Type of Revenue Clerk within their Personnel Setup record.


Note: The Type of Move, Commodity, and Authority fields are integral to building the correct general ledger number in posting revenue.

Type of Move

View/update the move type assigned to the order.  This setting determines how the revenue of a move request is processed.  See Move Type Setup for further information.

This setting is also accessible through the Type of Move field in Move Information.


View/update the commodity assigned to the order.  The commodity determines how general ledger accounts are defined for transaction processing. 

This setting is also accessible through Move Information.


View/update the authority assigned to an interstate or intrastate order.  The authority can be set to either Own Authority if the moving company is responsible or Van Line if the responsibility of the move is through a van line.

This setting is also accessible through Move Information.

Shipment Type

Enter the shipment classification from the list defined within Shipment Type Setup.  This field setting is integral to processes involving data exchange between third party applications, such as SIRVA, UniGroup, and TransDocs.

Note:  Reference the Tariff/Rate and Contract settings for data related to rating of local services


Set the tariff or rate assigned to the order.  This setting represents the tariff for van line rating imports or a rate when computing revenue and billed services internal to MoversSuite.  See Rate Plan Setup for more information.


Field Details



Rate Plan Setup


UniGroup Quotes to Go Opportunity Download


This setting is also accessible through Billing Information.


View/update the contract assigned to the order.  This setting is the local tariff or national account contract number used for an own authority order (up to 12 characters).

NOTE: Contracts are removed from the selectable dropdown when the contract is flagged Inactive in Contract Master. See Contract Master Setup.

This setting is also accessible through Billing Information.

Reduction Profile

The Reduction Profile dropdown includes options that have been set in MoversSuite Administration through the Reduction Profile Setup. See Reductions and Reduction Profile for more information.

Bill Date

Enter the date that all billing is complete for an order (typically occurs when the Order Status is changed to Completed). 

Refer Date Fields for data entry information.

See the Orders with Bill Date Report for a detailed listing of reports based on a Bill Date range.

Invoice Requirement

This option allows the user to determine whether the order will display on the Orders with Revenue not Invoiced report or not.  See Invoice Requirements Setup for details.

This setting is also accessible through Billing Information.

Order Personnel (Alt+P)

This function opens the Order Personnel screen allowing you to view personnel assignments on the order.

Shipment Information (Alt+D)

This function opens the Shipment Information screen allowing you to manage shipment specific information, such as shipment requirements, trade show information, and packaging needs.

Container Tracking

This function opens the Container Management screen allowing you to manage containers on the order or for the entire system.

Commissionable Employees


Commissionable Employees

This section displays the personnel associated to the order that are eligible to receive a commission based on services completed for the order. Only employees listed here are eligible for a commission.

The tab displays the name of the employee along with their assigned labor type (in parenthesis).

View the Employee Commission Plans Report to see a list of employees by labor area along with their vendor and commission plan settings.

Work Tickets


Work Tickets

Work Tickets

This section displays the local services for this order that have actuals entered for them through the Enter Actuals screen.

See Enter Actuals for more information.


Note: A count of items displays within the button text.


Enter Service Actuals (Alt+N)

Use this option to access the Enter Actuals screen for the selected item.


Third Party Services


Third Party Services

Third Party Services

This section displays the third party services created for the order through Third Party Services.


Note: A count of items displays within the button text.


Add (Alt+A)

Open the Add Third Party Item screen using this option.


Edit (Alt+I)

Open the Add Third Party Item screen in edit mode for the selected record using this option.


Delete (Alt+D)

This option removes the selected record permanently after prompting the user to confirm the request.


Extra Stops


Extra Stops

This section displays Extra Stops associated to the move request. 


A count of items displays within the button text.


Add (Alt+A)

Open the Add Extra Stop screen using this option.


Edit (Alt+I)

Open the Add Extra Stop screen in edit mode for the selected record using this option.


Delete (Alt+D)

This option removes the selected record permanently after prompting the user to confirm the request.


Additional Charges


Additional Charges

This section displays Additional Charges placed on the order.


Note: A count of items displays within the button text.


Add (Alt+A)

Open the Add Charges screen using this option.


Edit (Alt+I)

Open the Add Charges screen in edit mode for the selected record using this option.


Delete (Alt+D)

This option removes the selected record permanently after prompting the user to confirm the request.





Order Information (Office & Industrial)