Schema Changes Version 2017R15


The following table lists changes made to the MoversSuite database for this release.





Removed JobCostingItemID. No longer referenced by Job Costing functionality. (4104)

Added LocServFID. Stores the internal identifier for the Local Services record linked to the Job Costing record. (4104)

Added QuantityPerUnit. Stores the quantity value anticipated for a Local Services request that is linked to the Job Costing record. This value displays as the Quantity field and factors into computing the total Rated Amount in Job Costing

The value referenced pulls originally from Local Service Unit Type Setup, however it can be modified through Add Local Service and Enter Actuals functionality. (4104)

Added LaborTotal. Stores the Labor Total value calculated for a Local Services request within the Job Costing screen. (4104)

Added RatePerHour. Stores the Hourly Rate value calculated for a Local Services request within the Job Costing screen. (4104)

Added LaborRatingTypeFID. Stores the Rate Type value calculated for a Local Services request within the Job Costing screen. (4104)



Changed the field type of Rate, OTRate, and DoubleRate to float from decimal (12.2) to accommodate additional decimal places. These three fields correspond to the rates used throughout the application and tie directly to the Rate, OT Rate, and Double Rate fields in Rate Plan Setup. (3690)


Removed MinPackers, MinLoaders, MaxCartons, HrLevelAddPacker, HrLevelAddMover, MaxLoadWeight, and CartonsPerHour. This functionality is replaced by fields added to the table. The fields moved are those previously referenced within System Wide Options and now correspond to Minimum Units, Hour Level Add Unit, and Local Service Unit Label fields within Local Service Unit Type Setup. (4119)


Added MinimumUnits. Stores the Minimum Units value established within Local Service Unit Type Setup. This setting establishes the minimum number of units allowed for a unit type assigned to a Local Services request. (4119)

Added HourLevelAddUnit. Stores the Hour Level Add Unit value established within Local Service Unit Type Setup. This setting provides the increment applied when calculating anticipated hourly needs for a Local Services request. (4119)

Added LocalServiceUnitLabel. Stores the Local Service Unit Label value established within Local Service Unit Type Setup (up to 32 characters). This label setting is referenced by the application when displaying rates associated to a service for the unit type. (4119)


View MoversSuite Database Tables (2017R15)