Schema Changes Version 2017R14


The following table lists changes made to the MoversSuite database for this release.





New internal table storing the Company Logo files uploaded for MoversSuiteCrew Mobile Application. The data stored within this table is managed through the Mobile Company Logo Setup. (8928)



Added DefaultOrderNoteTypeFID. Stores the setting made for the Order Note Type field within Mobile Api Setup. Options available to this setting link to Document Type Setup records. (8928)

Added ChangeOrderDocumentTypeFID. Stores the setting made for the Change Order Document Type field within Mobile Api Setup. Options available to this setting link to Document Type Setup records. (8928)

Added JobSummaryDocumentTypeFID. Stores the setting made for the Job Summary Document Type field within Mobile Api Setup. Options available to this setting link to Document Type Setup records. (8928)

Added JobDetailDocumentTypeFID. Stores the setting made for the Job Detail Document Type field within Mobile Api Setup. Options available to this setting link to Document Type Setup records. (8928)


New administrative table storing the values available to the Location Address Type set within the Add/Edit Order Location screen on an Office & Industrial order. (8896)


Added OrderLocationAddressTypeFID. Stores the value selected for the Location Address Type set within the Add/Edit Order Location screen on an Office & Industrial order. The values available to this field are Destination, Origin, and Other (set internally within the OrderLocationAddressType table). (8896)


Added UnitsPerHour. Store the anticipated number of items moved within the Units per Hour field per the Unit specified, both managed within Local Service Type Setup. Replaces the Average Cartons per Hour and Average Weight per Hour settings. (8952)

Added UnitTypeFID. Replaced the field entry with a pointer linking the Units field within Local Service Type Setup to the value selected, which is defined within Local Service Unit Type Setup. (8952)

Removed UNITS. Replaced by a new pointer reference to Local Service Unit Type Setup (see UnitTypeFID above). (8952)

Removed AvgCartonsPerHr. Previously stored the Average Cartons per Hour setting within Local Service Type Setup, which is replaced by the Units per Hour (see UnitsPerHour above). (8952)

Removed AvgWeightPerHr. Previously stored the Average Weight per Hour setting within Local Service Type Setup, which is replaced by the Units per Hour (see UnitsPerHour above). (8952)


New administrative table storing the value defined within Local Service Unit Type Setup. (8952)


View MoversSuite Database Tables (2017R14)