Quick Start a Lead (MSWeb)


To Quick Start create a new lead:


1.    From Homepage, click +Create. This takes you to the Create Order page.

2.    From Create Order page, enter a name in the Last Name / Company Field.

3.    Enter a Phone Number.

4.    Enter a Branch.

5.    Click Save.


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 20: The three fields required to Quick Start a New Lead



This Quick Start will create an Order Story. It will not create an Order Number yet as the order is not booked. It is important to enter a phone number so this Lead can be searched using the Quick Find. Use the Quick Find Help instructions for details on how to search using a phone number. In the picture below notice the Quick Find has “P 970 229” entered – just a partial phone number can be used– and the Lead is found. 


Graphical user interface, application, website

Description automatically generated

Figure 21: Quick Find


Clicking Lead (shown in example above) or any search in Quick Find, or any order on the Orders List, will take you to the corresponding Order Story. On the Order Story, more details can be entered and all aspects of the transaction can be viewed and serviced.


Tip: If you assign yourself as one of the roles on the order, this lead will appear on your Order List on your Homepage.