Graph Type – Chart


Chart-type graphs allow you to set up Graph Type, Graph Title, Series Field (which is used for multiple series in a chart), and Pivot Field (which is the field that the value chosen is grouped by) as well as the Value Field (which is the summarized value for each group). Option Include Graph decides whether the graph shows in the report.


Chart-type graphs are grouped together at the top of the Components’ dropdown and are include: Area, Bar, Column, Donut, Funnel, Line, Pie and Radar.


Graphical user interface, application

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Figure 57: Chart type graph options


Notes to consider for this type of graph:


§ Choose the chart type in the dropdown list on the right.


§ If you set a date column as a Pivot Field, then you can choose Auto / Year / Quarter / Month (Aging for Pie/Donut) in Granularity By.


§ The option Summarize by allows summarization to be Average rather than just a Sum.


§ The Top will show the top 3,5,10,20 elements in either ascending or descending order.


§ If Show Chart as Percentage is selected, then the label will be shown as percentages of total.


§ If Show Total in Title is selected, then the total will show in the title.


Though there are many different graphs from which to choose, each has the same data requirements. As an example, for this graph type, Pie is chosen under Components in the graphic below. Once selected, the options for Pie display, which includes Pie Chart Settings and Details Settings. (If Area was chosen, the options would be titled Area Chart Setting instead.)




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Figure 58: Choosing Pie shows these options



Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 59: Pie Chart Settings screen


If you set a date column as a Pivot Field, then you can choose Auto / Year / Quarter / Month / Aging in Granularity By.


Aging will allow the user to set Boundaries, Inverse Colors and will give them ability to setup a Legend shown to the right of the chart. The available options are as follows:


§ None - Only shows chart.


§ Simple - Shows chart and descriptions.


§ Include Amount - Shows chart, description, and amount.


§ Include Percentage - Shows chart, description, and percentage.


§ Full Detail - Shows chart, description, amount, and percentage.


There is also the option to choose and customize Color Themes. Click  to save.