Find Order


The Find Order screen appears when a user presses Find within the Attach File screen.  This screen allows a user to find and select an order to associate to a given document.


Figure 10: Find Order screen


Users can enter data in any or all of the fields.  The more data entered the more refined the search will be.  Users will need to enter the starting value of any entry unless wildcards are in use (see Find Search Tips).  See Find for more information.


The following table describes the fields and functions available within this screen.




Order Number

Compare the entered value to the Order Number field. 

Estimate Number

Compare the entered value to the Estimate Number field in Name, Address, Phone

Last Name

Compare the entered value to the Last Name/Company Name field in Name, Address, Phone

First Name

Compare the entered value to the First Name/MI field in Name, Address, Phone


Press this button to initiate the search based on the criteria entered.


Press Cancel to discard the request and close the screen.


When the application finds more than one record matching the search criteria, the lower half of the screen will expand to list all retrieved records.  Users can make a selection and press Select to associate a file to a document.



Figure 11: Find Order search results


Selecting a record will close the screen set the record information within the Attach To section in the Attach File screen.