Office & Industrial Initial Setup


This topic discusses the basic setup involved to enable Office & Industrial functionality within your system.


Additional setup may also be needed depending on your needs. This is discussed within the Related Setup Areas section under Office & Industrial Setup and Administration.


Below are the basic setup areas needed to enable Office & Industrial functionality, followed by detail instructions on each area:

Building Constraints Setup

Building Setup

Service Group Setup

Move Type Setup

Local Service Type Setup

Account Profile Setup

Personnel Setup

Security Profile Setup


Building Constraints Setup


Establish a basic list of constraints that display on every location associated to all Office & Industrial orders within the Building Constraints Setup.


Figure 14: Building Constrains Setup


You can customize a constraint to suit each defined building by adding Building Constraints Items within Building Setup.


Refer to Building Constraints Setup for more information.


Building Setup


You can use Building Setup to establish buildings that you anticipate reoccurring as part of your Office & Industrial moves.


Figure 15: Building Setup


Users assign buildings to locations through the Add/Edit Order Location screen, which also populates the address of the location record. You can also establish locations that link to Building Setup records within the Preset Addresses section of an Account Profile Setup record. Refer to the Account Profile Setup section later on in this topic for more information.



Service Group Setup


If you wish to provide Scope of Work data within the Job Information tab, then utilize the Service Group Setup to build groups that you wish to display along with any detail service items that list underneath that group.


Figure 16: Service Group Setup

View the Service Group Setup topic for more detailed instructions.



Local Service Type Setup


Set the Office & Industrial Module as an applicable module within Local Service Type Setup for services that you wish to be available within to assign to Office & Industrial moves. Only services with this flag set are visible within the Local Services tab within the Office & Industrial module.


Figure 17: Local Service Type Setup



Account Profile Setup


The Account Profile is an integral part of the Office & Industrial process. Account Profile Setup records provide your organization the ability to set default order data such as Task Definition, Salesperson, and Tariff/Rate settings along with information displaying within the Account Profile tab. Specific to Office & Industrial, you can import profile contacts and locations in from the Account Profile directly into the order.


The contacts defined within the Account Profile Contacts section are available to import into the Contacts and Locations tab.

Figure 18: General tab within Account Profile Setup


The contacts defined within the Account Profile Contacts section are available to import into the Contacts and Locations tab.


In addition, the items defined within the Preset Addresses tab are available to import into Location of an Office & Industrial move. Included in the preset address is the option to link the address to a Building Setup record (reference the Building setting in Figure 19).


Figure 19: Account Profile Preset



Personnel and Security Profile


Set up employees for assignment to Office & Industrial orders and access to Office & Industrial functionality through the Personnel Setup and Security Profile Setup areas.


Branch security is in effect for the Office & Industrial module. For a user to access an order of a particular branch, they must be assigned to that branch within Security Profile Setup and they must also be assigned to that branch within their Personnel Setup record. In the following example, personnel assigned to a profile with this detail item can access all Office & Industrial functionality for the specified Branch.


Figure 20: Add Security Profile Detail dialog


Figure 21: Branch tab within Personnel Setup

Additionally, crew and other personnel assigned through Local Dispatch need to be assigned to supported Office & Industrial branches.


Assignment to personnel on an Office & Industrial order is based on Labor Type. The following assignments can be made within an Office & Industrial order:


Labor Type

Office & Industrial Setting


Contacts and Locations > Coordinator

Project Manager

Contacts and Locations > Project Manager

Revenue Clerk

Revenue Entry > Revenue Clerk


Contacts and Locations > Salesperson


In addition to the Office & Industrial module, the following Security Modules may also be defined within Security Profile Setup to enable related functionality to support an Office & Industrial move:

Change Order Module

Job Costing

Letter Management

Local Dispatch

Order Re-Book


Recurring Billing Setup


And possibly others. View the Security Modules listing for the specifics of the modules needed to support Office & Industrial move on your system.




Branch Setup

Field Requirements


Forms Designer

Office & Industrial Bookmarks

Order Number Setup

Report Setup

Warehouse Setup