VendorConnect Initial Setup


The first step in establishing VendorConnect is to contact our Sales Team for pricing and additional information to get you going. You can also log a Help Desk Ticket with our Support Team for assistance in this process.


Once VendorConnect is enabled on your system, EWS Group will work with your vendor to establish and test necessary connections.


Setup entails defining which vendor or vendors can use VendorConnect along with defining which branches in your organization these vendors can access your data from. Setup on the MoversConnect side is managed by our Support Team. Additional set up is detailed in the following table.


Setup Area


MoversConnect Setup

Use this setup to manage and sync data between your system and the MoversSuite cloud-connector. EWS Group does provide initial setup within MoversConnect, but often you may need to verify and synchronize this data using MoversConnect Setup.

VendorConnect Setup

Utilize this setup area to import, export, and refresh data for third-party vendors that you integrate with through VendorConnect. You can also control which branches each vendor can access through this setup.

XML System Options

You can specify a default customer and default customer address by setting one or both of the following:




Refer to the field description within the XML System Options topic for more information.




AgentConnect Setup Overview