Report Viewer


MoversSuite utilizes the Report Viewer to display reports and forms created through the Microsoft SQL Server Reporting Services. The Report Viewer is a stand-alone window that appears when document generates through one of the Reports options.


There are many features included within the Report Viewer. The following is a list of highlighted features:

    Modify the report parameters and regenerate the report

    Control which record or records appear on the report

    Access a document map to quickly jump to a particular section of the report

    Search for values within the report listing

    Save, print, and email the report


Figure 7: Report Viewer


The provide various panes depending on the needs of the particular report. In the Task List Report example (above), a pane on the far left features the Task List report with a checkbox. This pane may or may not display. It is available in the case of multiple reports linked to a single function, such as those generated for Commission Statement Management and Customer Statements.


A main pane displays the generated report. It also includes a navigation feature allowing you to jump to a particular section of the report.


Figure 8: Main Report Viewer pane


Above the main pane are the report argument along with a row of report tools.


Update the report run-time parameters and press the View Report button to have the report regenerate. In the example below, there is only a single, Group by parameter available. Some reports, such as the Work Ticket Report, have no parameters and some, such as the AR Collections Report, offer a variety of options.


Figure 9: Sample run-time parameters


View the Standard Report and Document Listing topic to locate and see the applicable report parameters for each report provided by MoversSuite.


Below the arguments row is a list of report tools. The following table describes these tools.


Report File Options



Check all or uncheck all report files.


Save the report file as a PDF document within your file system. The application saves all selected report listings as a single PDF document. If you wish to only save one report, select that single report using the checkbox and press the Save button. Save opens a File Explorer window prompting you to select a filename and folder location.


Send the select report files to your system printer. The application saves all selected report listings as a single PDF document and directs it a printer. If you wish to only print one report, select that single report using the checkbox and press the Print button.


Set the select report files as an attachment in a new email message. The application opens a new mail window (either Microsoft Outlook or MoversSuite Email) with a single PDF document containing all selected report files. If you wish to only have a single report in the document, select that single report using the checkbox and press the Email button.


When multiple reports are selected, the following additional options are available.



Send all selected reports as a single email

This option creates one email message that includes all selected reports as an attachment to the message.


Send each selected report out as a separate email (review each email)

Choosing this option produces separate emails for each selected report. It opens a window for you to review the message and the attached report before sending it out. Once you press Send, the next email window opens. This continues until emails are sent for all selected reports. Note: With this option a blind copy (BCC) of the email is sent to the person sending the email (you).


Send each selected report out as a separate email in silent mode (no review)

This option instructs the viewer to send out separate emails for each selected report. It runs this operation in the background and updates the progress bar to provide you an indication of when all emails are sent. You will not be able to review the email message with the report attached prior to it being sent out. Note: With this option, no blind copy (BCC) of the email is sent.




If processing Recurring Payments, then additional email options are available. They include the ability to see which records have at least one email address associated to the billing record  and those that have none . You can also select all invoices that are setup for recurring billing email  or select all that are not . The application combines all selected records into a single email, complete with all invoices (or cash receipts) attached. If you wish to generate an email for a single payment, then verify that only one record is selected and press the email button .


If viewing a report with multiple items, such as multiple invoices on a Recurring Billing storage run, then these options are available. When the  option is enabled, the application automatically loads each of the selected documents within the viewing pane in the Report Viewer. This loads each document into the viewer, which can cause performance lags if viewing a large number of reports. Optionally, you can enable the option, which does not load each report into the viewer. You can then select just the reports you wish to view and then enable the option again to view such documents.

Whichever option you have enabled when you close the Report Viewer is what is enabled the next time you open a report; this information is stored to each user individually.



Page Navigation

Use these buttons to navigate between pages on a multi-page report. You can also enter a page number to jump to a particular page.

Report Control

Use these features to jump to the previous report , halt a report during generation , or refresh the report , i.e. reload the report.


Page Controls

These controls allow you to print, format the display, and export the report.


Send the particular page or the entire report to your system printer.


Display the report in a viewer-friendly mode (no page controls and in a single pane).


Display the report in a reader-mode (no page control, single pane, and no margins).


Export the report to one of the following selected file types. The application opens the report in the selected application. You can then modify the document and save it as a physical file.



Zoom Display

You can change the text size of that display son the report by choosing an option from the zoom menu.



Enter a value in the input area and press Find to locate the entry within the report. The application highlights the entry. Press Next to navigate to the next matching entry.