Item Code Generation


Use the Item Code Generation screen to create mapping records to identify a particular Item Code based on specific attributes assigned to a MoversSuite order, such as Move Type, Branch, Commodity, etc. You also use this setup to refine the general accounting information associated to billing, expense, and revenue items referenced within MoversSuite. Additional features of this tool allow you to view a chart of accounts, view the active mappings of a record, and copy the Item Code Mapping of one record to another.


Figure 67: Item Code Generation screen


To access this screen, go to MoversSuite Administration > Accounting and Financial Services > Item Code. From the dropdown, choose Item Code Mapping.


Figure 68: Dropdown is highlighted


From the next screen, click Tools then Item Codes.


Figure 69: Next screen to get to Item Codes Mapping screen




















The Item Code Generation screen contains information that is divided into four sections.


Figure 70: Four sections of Item Code Generation screen


It is possible to expand the Item Code Generation screen. This is helpful when you need to be able to see the entire name of the Item Code descriptions. Simply put your cursor on the edge of the screen so that the double arrow appears and drag to expand or, if needed, contract.


The following table describes each section of the Item Code Generation screen.




Item Codes

Use Item Code Setup to manage Item Code values.

This section provides a complete list of all defined item codes by general ledger group, item code number, and description.  Users can sort by data in each column by clicking on the title (ascending () or descending ()). 

Selecting an item code will populate the other sections of the screen.

Item Code Details

This section defines the basic attributes of the Item Code record including the actual Item Code numeric value, its Description, and the Revenue Group.  The Add, Edit, Delete, Cancel, and Save function related to only this section.

Map Settings

All the fields in this section, from Branch through to the Generate button, detail the attributes that are compiled together to form the Generated Mappings for the item code when the Generate is performed.

Generated Mappings

This section lists all mappings generated for the item code. 



Reference the data in the following table when managing setup records through Item Code Generation

Reference the Item Code Details section when making changes within the Item Code setup available through the Item Code Setup.


The application will automatically open the item code record selected within the Item Codes pane; the selected row will be highlighted and include an asterisk in the first column.




Item Codes


Users can sort data on any of the three columns in this section.

Users can select more than one record through Ctrl+Click to select item codes individually or Shift+Click to select a range of item codes.  Selecting multiple records is useful when deleting or copying mapping records (see Copy Details, Clear All, and Clear Selected functions).


This column displays the GL Group assigned to an item code.  The application assigns the GL Group to a newly defined item code.  Users can update the GL Group through the Revenue Group setting within Item Code Setup.


The Item Code of the record displays in this column.


Description of the item code record appears in this column.

Item Code Details


Use Item Code Setup to manage details within this section.

Item Code Mappings


The Generate functions references the settings in this section when creating the mappings that display in the lower portion of the screen.  Mappings provide a means of identifying the components used to generate a general ledger account based on the settings below.

Users will make selections where needed in the follow fields and then Generate will create the actual mapping records and display them within the mapping list below.

Select more than one option at a time within each setting by using Ctrl+Click to select multiple values individually or use Shift+Click to select a range of values.


This is a reference only field displaying the branches defined within Branch Setup.  Item Code records apply to all branches.

Account Type

Select whether the generated mappings will be associated to Revenue and/or Expense accounts.


Note: If paying commission off the Item Code, then set Revenue and Expense types.


Line of Business

Select which type(s) of authority (Own Authority and/or Van Line) that will be available to the item code.

Note: MoversSuite suggests generating mappings separately for Own Authority and then Van Line.

Move Type Group

Select move type value(s) from the list of those defined in Move Type Setup that will be available to the item code.  Select only those types that associate to the selected Line of Business.


Select commodity or commodities from the list of those defined in Commodity Type Setup that will be available to the item code.

Revenue Compensation Type

MoversSuite does not track revenue by compensation type, therefore select “NONE” for all mappings. 

Reference Driver Type Setup for defining the “NONE” option.

Expense Type

Select the labor type or types of personnel available to be eligible for commissions under this item code.  See Labor Type Setup for more information.

Service Group

Select one group component of the general ledger number for transactions generated with this item code.

Sub Account

Select one sub account component(s) of the general ledger number for transactions generated with this item code.

Third Party Payables

Select a third party component of the general ledger number for third party transactions generated with this item code.

Generate Third Party As

Check Revenue or Expense to generate the selected Third Party Payables as such under this item code.

Use this for Revenue Main Segment

Users can manually set the main segment of the revenue account mappings by selecting this option and entering a main segment value.  The main segment will appear within the Rev Acct column in the generated mappings section.


Note: The MoversSuite standard segment length is 8 digits in length.


Use this for Expense Main Segment

Users can manually set the main segment of the expense account mappings by selecting this option and entering a main segment value.  The main segment will appear within the Comm Account column in the generated mappings section.


Note: The MoversSuite standard segment length is 8 digits in length.


Use this for 3rd Party GL

Users can manually set the main segment of the third party payables account mappings by selecting this option and entering a main segment value; this ensures that all third party expenses record under a single general ledger account number.  The segment will appear within the 3rd Pty Acct column in the generated mappings section.


Note: The MoversSuite standard segment length is 8 digits in length.



This function will create mapping records based on values selected within the Item Code Mappings section (Branch, Account Type, etc.).  A value(s) must be selected in the following fields prior to pressing Generate:

Account Type

Line of Business


Revenue Compensation Type

Sub Account

A progress indicator will appear when the application is generating the mapping records.


Figure 71: Progress dialog


When the mapping process is complete, an information dialog appears that displays the number of expense and revenue mapping records generated and the bottom section of the screen will be updated with the new mappings.


Figure 72: Records created confirmation dialog


See the Item Code Mappings Report for a list of Item Code records along with corresponding Move Type, Commodity, general ledger account, etc.



The following table describes the functions available within generated mappings section.




View Accounts

This function opens the Accounts screen that displays the Chart of Accounts generated for all item codes.  Users can view existing general ledger account and sub account numbers along with optionally removing unused accounts. 

Users can update the description associated to the generated mappings through this option.


Note: The Accounts screen is modular and will remain open while the user works in the Item Code Generation screen.


Copy Details

Users can select an item code and copy all mappings to another within the Copy IC Details screen.  Any mappings unique to the record copied to will remain.


Note: This function works independent of the open record.


Refresh Details

This function updates the mapping records with any changes made by other users or by changes made to the general ledger source and branch files.

Clear All

This option deletes all mapping records for the open record after confirming the request with the user.

This option can work for more than one item code at a time.  To select more than one Item Codes record at a time, use Ctrl+Click to select records individually or use Shift+Click to select a range.  Clear All will remove all mappings for all selected item code records.

Clear Selected

Users can select and delete one or more mapping records for the item code record.  To select more than one mapping at a time, use Ctrl+Click to select records individually or Shift+Click to select a range of values to delete.

Users will receive a prompt to confirm the delete request.



Dynamics GP Order Inquiry

Item Code Setup