Export Punches to Payroll


Available through the Accounting Tools Menu, the Export Punches to Payroll screen allows you to select employee punch activity from MSCrew based on a date range and selected branch. Once reviewed, the punch information can be transmitted to the Crew Punch system for payroll processing through the Transmit Batch feature.


Figure 98: Export Punches to Payroll screen



Using this Screen


Once setup through Crew Punch Integration Setup, you can access the Export Punches to Payroll screen through the Accounting Tools Menu option of Export Punches to Payroll.


Figure 99: Export Punches to Payroll with no parameters


Set the Date Range and Branch to enable a search of MSCrew activity records. The Branch selector includes only branches that you are assigned to through your Personnel Setup record. Once these options are entered, the application returns all qualified time activity for each employee.





Figure 100: Export Punches to Payroll



For Crew Punch advance transactions, the GL Account data is built and maintained with respect to the Default branch of the employee as set in the Branch Setup. Refer to the GL Account Components for Crew Punch Advances topic for a list of components of the GL Account data that is maintained.



If the activity matches your records, you can send the transactions to Crew Punch by pressing Transmit Batch. The application processes the request and provides a confirmation of the number of exported punches successfully transmitted.


Each employee lists once within this screen. The total count of approved and pending punches displays for each employee.


With appropriate access, you can edit and approve time entries through the Mobile Crew Time screen by pressing the  button. Additional security access is required for the Mobile Crew Time screen. Refer to MoversSuiteCrew Mobile Application for details.


The application provides warnings under situations when a batch includes unapproved time or if you are attempting to transmit a batch when open activity exists for a period prior to the period being viewed.

Figure 101: Export Punches to Payroll with warnings


WARNING: This batch contains some unapproved punches.

This warning indicates that you are sending a batch that includes pending punches. If you continue to transmit the batch with this warning, then the application skips the pending (unapproved) punches and processes all approved punch activity within the specified query.


WARNING: Punches prior to selected date range exist.

This warning indicates that there is activity before the selected date range that has not yet been exported to Crew Punch. You can expand the Date Range to include this activity or continue to transmit the batch. Payroll information may appear out of order, depending on how the information in managed within the Crew Punch system.


Error messages that you may encounter include a variety of setup related conditions, such as the Position Code not being found. Errors related to a specific activity may require further investigation, such as if you receive an error indicating that there is no activity associated to the punch. In this case, you may need to verify the punch activity through the Mobile Crew Time or Enter Actuals screens.


All errors appear in a separate dialog that appears after pressing Transmit Batch. Refer to the Crew Punch Transmit Common Errors topic for a list of potential errors.


Refer to the Crew Punch Integration topic for more information and setup instructions.



Technical Field and Function Information




The application returns all crew activity for the specified date range for the selected branch. Once you enter dates and select a branch, the application automatically searches and lists any qualified MScrew records.

Date Range

Enter a date in MM/DD/YYYY format or use the Calendar Control to select a date.


Select a branch to include in the crew time search. The branches that display are those assigned to you through your Personnel Setup record.

Data Grid



First Name followed by Last Name of the crew person as set within the General of their Personnel Setup record.

Employee Number

Employee Number of the crew person as set within the General of their Personnel Setup record.

Approved Punches

Total number of qualified approved punches for each person displays in this column.

Pending Punches

Total number of qualified punches that are not yet approved for each person displays in this column. NOTE: You will receive a warning if you attempt to transmit the batch that includes pending (unapproved) punches.

Opens the Mobile Crew Time screen allowing you to review, edit, and approve punch activity for the selected person. Separate security access is required to gain access to the Mobile Crew Time functionality.

Punches in Batch

The count of approved punches displays.

Transmit Batch

Press this button to export the payroll information to Crew Punch.


Close the screen without transmitting payroll information.