MoversSuite UI Refresh

As most of you know we have been contemplating a major design change and possible rewrite of MoversSuite starting with our new concept of Pro-active Alerts and the Coordinator Role.  As we dig deeper into how to handle the transition between the new application and the existing application we’re realizing that a refresh of the old application’s user interface would help make the transition less dramatic.

With the refresh we would also like to change the default size of the application.  Currently when you open MoversSuite it opens in an 800×600 (pixels) footprint.  We would like to change that default to be 1024×768.  Click here to see the difference.

Here are some more examples of what the UI refresh might look like:

Name, Address, Phone Tab

Move Information Tab

Agents Tab

As always we are interested in your feedback.  Please let us know what you think of the refresh and especially the idea of making the default window size bigger.  You can either comment on this blog posting or email me at:

Also, I hope to post a video soon showing you a prototype of the new application…So stay tuned!

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