The User Defined Fields tab is available to allow you to capture data that is specific to your organizational needs that are outside of what can be set through other means within MoversSuite. The fields available to you list within the User Defined Fields tab of each order. For each active field, you can provide an entry up to 30 characters in length. Each field is tracked in Order History.
Figure 94: User Defined Fields tab
There are two types of User Defined Fields: System Specific and National Account Specific.
System Specific are defined at the company level through the System Wide Options. Your company can define up to eight different labels and activate these fields through the User Defined Labels tab within the System Wide Options setup area.
Additionally, you can also define System Specific labels based on the move type set for an order. This is done through the System User Defined Label Override Item section within Move Type Setup. By default, the labels defined through System Wide Options display for an order. If the Type of Move set on the Move Information tab is one that has label overrides defined, then those from the corresponding Move Type Setup record display.
Figure 95: Sample System Specific fields
National Account Specific fields are those defined for the account set on the order through the National Account section within the Billing Information tab. The fields that display are those established for the specific account through the User Defined Labels tab within the Account Setup.
Figure 96: Sample National Account Specific fields
You can pull in data set for both System Specific and National Account Specific fields into Forms Designer documents and emails. These fields are referenced as User-defined and User-defined Account fields (labeled 1 through 8) within the Order Information Bookmarks topic.
Each field in System Specific and National Account Specific has an identifying label that is used to track updates in Order History. Though the labels given for each User Defined Field by the user are used in Order History, these identifying labels are also used since field names can be changed.
Figure 97: Labels used in Order History for these User Defined Fields