When you want to use a view with a specific field, this table will show you which views within the Business Category > Billing View contain that specific field.
The Field column is organized alphabetically. Scroll through the table to find the field needed, and then look to the View column to see which Views contains that field.
Field |
View |
Business Category |
AcctUDFLabel1 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel1 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel1 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel2 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel2 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel2 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel3 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel3 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel3 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel4 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel4 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel4 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel5 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel5 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel5 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel6 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel6 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel6 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel7 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel7 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel7 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel8 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel8 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFLabel8 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue1 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue1 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue1 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue2 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue2 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue2 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue3 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue3 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue3 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue4 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue4 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue4 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue5 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue5 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue5 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue6 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue6 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue6 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue7 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue7 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue7 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue8 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue8 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AcctUDFValue8 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ActualDeliveryDate |
Quote Details |
Billing |
ActualDeliveryDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
ActualDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ActualDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ActualDiscountedLinehaul |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ActualDiscountedLinehaul |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ActualLoadDate |
Quote Details |
Billing |
ActualLoadDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
ActualLoadDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ActualLoadDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ARRevenueBranch |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ARRevenueBranch |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
AuthorityType |
Quote Details |
Billing |
AuthorityType |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
AuthorityType |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
AuthorityType |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
BilledDate |
Quote Details |
Billing |
BilledDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
BilledDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
BilledDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
BilledWeight |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
BilledWeight |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
BookDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
BookDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
BookDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
CommissionAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionDocumentDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionDocumentNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionItem |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionJournalDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionPct |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionPostedBy |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CommissionPostedDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Commodity |
Quote Details |
Billing |
Commodity |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
Commodity |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Commodity |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
CompanyRevenue |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
CompanyRevenue |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CompanyRevenue |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Consignee |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Consignee |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Consignor |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Consignor |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Created Date |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
Created Date |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Created Date |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
CreatedBy |
Quote Details |
Billing |
CreatedBy |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
CreatedOn |
Quote Details |
Billing |
CreatedOn |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
Customer Name |
Quote Details |
Billing |
Customer Name |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
Customer Name |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
Customer Name |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Customer Name |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
CustomerNumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
CustomerNumber |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
CustomerNumber |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
CustomerNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
CustomerNumber |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
DaysToBill |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
DestinationCity |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
DestinationCity |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
DestinationState |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
DestinationState |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
DestinationZip |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
DestinationZip |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
DetailCharge |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailDescription |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailGroupCharge |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailItemCode |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailItemCodeDescription |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailQuantity |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailQuantity2 |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailRate |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailRateType |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProvider |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderBillTo |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderInvoiceNumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderPONumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderServiceDate |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderVendorName |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailServiceProviderVendorNumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailVendorActualCharge |
Quote Details |
Billing |
DetailVendorQuotedCharge |
Quote Details |
Billing |
Discount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Discount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
EarlyDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
EarlyDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
EarlyLoadDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
EarlyLoadDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
EarlyPackDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
EarlyPackDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
EstimatedDiscountedLinehaul |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
EstimatedDiscountedLinehaul |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
EstimatedWeight |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
EstimatedWeight |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
HaulingDocumentsReceivedDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
HaulingDocumentsReceivedDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Invoice Number |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Invoice Number |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
InvoiceDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
InvoiceDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
InvoiceTotal |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
InvoiceTotal |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
JobEndDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
JobEndDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
JobStartDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
JobStartDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
LastJournalDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
LastPostedDate |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
LateDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
LateDeliveryDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
LateLoadDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
LateLoadDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
LatePackDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
LatePackDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
LogisticsCoordinator |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
LogisticsCoordinator |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Miles |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Miles |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
NationalAccount |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
NationalAccount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
NationalAccount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
NationalAccountNumber |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
OACoordinator |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OACoordinator |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OASurveyor |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OASurveyor |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OrderArchived |
Quote Details |
Billing |
OrderArchived |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
OrderArchived |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
OrderBranch |
Quote Details |
Billing |
OrderBranch |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OrderBranch |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OrderBranchAgent |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OrderBranchAgent |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OrderId |
Quote Details |
Billing |
OrderId |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
OrderId |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
OrderId |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OrderId |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OrderNumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
OrderNumber |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
OrderNumber |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
OrderNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OrderNumber |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OrderStatus |
Quote Details |
Billing |
OrderStatus |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OrderStatus |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OriginCity |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OriginCity |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OriginState |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OriginState |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
OriginZip |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
OriginZip |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
PaymentMethod |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
PaymentMethod |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
PaymentType |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
PaymentType |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
PurchaseOrder |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
PurchaseOrder |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Quote Status |
Quote Details |
Billing |
Quote Status |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
QuoteAmount |
Quote Details |
Billing |
QuoteAmount |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
QuoteContact |
Quote Details |
Billing |
QuoteContact |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
QuoteDescription |
Quote Details |
Billing |
QuoteDescription |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
QuoteName |
Quote Details |
Billing |
QuoteName |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
QuoteNumber |
Quote Details |
Billing |
QuoteNumber |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
RevenueBranch |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueBranch |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueClerk |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueClerk |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueGroup |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueGroup |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueGroupAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueGroupAmount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueGroupInv |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueGroupInv |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueGroupInvoiceDescription |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueGroupInvoiceDescription |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItem |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItem |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemAmount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemBillToCustomerNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemBillToCustomerNumber |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemDivision |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemDivision |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemDocumentDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemDocumentDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemDocumentNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemDocumentNumber |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemInv |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemInv |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemJournalDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemJournalDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemPct |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemPct |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemPostedBy |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemPostedBy |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemPostedDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemPostedDate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemQty1 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemQty1 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemQty2 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemQty2 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemRate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemRate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevenueItemServiceCode |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevenueItemServiceCode |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
RevnueeItemBillToCustomerName |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
RevnueeItemBillToCustomerName |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Salesperson |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Salesperson |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ShipmentType |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ShipmentType |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ShipmentTypeCode |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ShipmentTypeCode |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ShipperFirstName |
Quote Details |
Billing |
ShipperFirstName |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
ShipperFirstName |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
ShipperFirstName |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ShipperFirstName |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ShipperLastName |
Quote Details |
Billing |
ShipperLastName |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
ShipperLastName |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
ShipperLastName |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ShipperLastName |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ShipperName |
Quote Details |
Billing |
ShipperName |
Quote Summary |
Billing |
ShipperName |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel1 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel1 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel1 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel2 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel2 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel2 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel3 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel3 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel3 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel4 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel4 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel4 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel5 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel5 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel5 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel6 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel6 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel6 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel7 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel7 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel7 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel8 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel8 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFLabel8 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue1 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue1 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue1 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue2 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue2 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue2 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue3 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue3 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue3 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue4 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue4 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue4 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue5 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue5 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue5 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue6 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue6 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue6 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue7 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue7 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue7 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
SysUDFValue8 |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
SysUDFValue8 |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
SysUDFValue8 |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
TariffRate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TariffRate |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
ThirdPartyAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyDocumentDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyDocumentNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyExpenses |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
ThirdPartyItem |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyJournalDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyPostedBy |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyPostedDate |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
ThirdPartyVendorNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TotalActualAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TotalActualAmount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
TotalCommissionPaid |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
TotalEstimateAmount |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TotalEstimateAmount |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
TransCoordinator |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TransCoordinator |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
TypeOfMove |
Quote Details |
Billing |
TypeOfMove |
Retained Revenue |
Billing |
TypeOfMove |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
TypeOfMove |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
Weight |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
Weight |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |
WorkTicketNumber |
Revenue Entry |
Billing |
WorkTicketNumber |
Revenue Entry Revenue Only |
Billing |