System options define how MoversSuite communicates with UniGroup processes. The table below describes the options needed to support the UniGroup upload and download processes. Enter these options within the Name field along with corresponding Value directly through XML System Setup for each supported process.
Use the table below to create options in XML System Setup for the various processes supported for the UniGroup interface. Specifically, the following records will be defined under the UniGroup Queues system.
Name |
Value/Description |
AgencyIdentifier |
Set a default agency identifier to be used when reporting TransDocs errors, e.g. “U101.” Default is blank. |
AutoUploadDocumentsDisabled |
Flag indicating whether to disable the automatic upload to TransDocs (True) or not (False). A value of “True” will disable documents from automatically uploading to TransDocs. A value of “False” will enable the auto-upload functionality. Default: False
Refer to TransDocs Integration Setup for more information. |
HHGUploadQueue |
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing household goods upload requests. Default: .\private$\hhg_unigroup_request
IgnoreAgents |
This option instructs the download process to ignore certain agents on an import, specifically when an origin, destination, or hauling agent is not a United Van Line agent. Enter agent identifiers separated by a comma. Default: U1900,M2900
Note: Related to Revenue Import functionality.
MemoPadUploadQueue |
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing memo pad requests. Default: .\private$\memopad_unigroup_request
SpecialServicesUploadQueue |
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing special services upload requests. Default: .\private$\hhg_unigroup_request
TransDocsUploadQueue |
This option identifies the physical location of the folder containing TransDocs upload requests. Default: .\private$\mss_transdocs_upload_request
Refer to TransDocs Integration Setup for more information. |
ValidateSchema |
Option to turn on internal XML schema validation. Enter “1” to turn on schema validation or leave the field blank to turn off validation. Default: 1
WebServiceURL |
URL for the web service providing the upload. Default: https://localhost/MSSExternalInterface/UniGroupUpload.asmx