VendorConnect Document Update Request


Use this request to add your records to MoversSuite.


You will need to the following to process this request:

    Your unique vendor name (YourVendorName) and Connector Identifier (YourConnectionIdentifier) provided by EWS Group.

    Bearer token from a VendorConnect Token Request.

    Understanding of the schema (refer to VendorConnect Schema and Sample Files).


RESTful Document Update Request

Request URI{YourVendorName}

Request Method



“Bearer” followed by a space and the “access_token” from VendorConnect Token Request.









    "Description":"Estimate for service 08/31",

    "Notes":"Document was created by Arrivy on 08/31/2023 at 04:36pm.",












The following are the attributes associated with this request. All attributes are required unless specified as being “(Optional)”.



Unique filename with extension (up to 128 characters). Document must be unique for each order.



Display name and description of the file (up to 64 characters).


Notes (Optional)

Any additional information that may be needed to explain the purpose of the document (up to 256 characters).



MoversSuite order identifier. The document must be attached to a MoversSuite order (up to 23 characters).


DocumentType (Optional)

Value that must match an Interface Item as the External Code for the vendor interface. Available options are defined within Document Type Setup (up to 16 characters).


DocumentID (Optional)

Unique identifier for the document on an order (up to 64 characters).



The size of the file in bytes (up to 10 digits). Documents cannot exceed 50 MB in size.



Your provided Connector Indentifer (up to 64 characters).



The complete URL needed to download the content of the document (up to 1000 characters).


DocumentContentHttpMethod (Optional)

The method needed to retrieve document content using the URL specified through DocumentContentUrl (up to 7 characters). GET is assumed if this is attribute is not specified. NOTE: POST method is currently not supported.



A MoversSuite user can be defined as the person adding the document. This is done by linking the vendor interface to a new Personnel Setup record, setting the XML System Data Type Map name for the vendor to the Last Name on the Personnel Setup record. If no name is defined or located, the system default to a name of “External Application” for the person adding the document.


If a document is added where the DocumentName for a file attached to the order matches the one you are attempting to add, then a counter is appended to the file name. For example, “BillOfLading(2).pdf”. For none, VendorConnect processes, then the file is overwritten.



The following is returned upon a successful request.


  "Integrator": "Arrivy",

  "MessageType": "StandardDocumentNotification",

  "MessageTagId": "ARVY-000000002",

  "QueryResults": null,

  "OutParams": null,

  "Results": true,

  "StatusCode": 200,

  "ExceptionMessage": null,

  "BaseExceptionMessage": null,

  "ResponseMessageCount": 1,

  "ResponseMessages": [


      "WasSuccess": true,

      "SuccessMessage": "Message queued to be sent to Ballinator Moving (Dev).",

      "ErrorCode": 0,

      "ErrorMessage": null



  "ProcessingDate": "2023-12-07 18:58:42Z"





Internal code indicating the status of the request. “200” indicates a successful request.



Returns “0” upon a successful request. Otherwise, an error code returns along with an error description in ErrorMessage properties.



Messages from the processing system, i.e., MoversConnect, display for this returned property.



Date and timestamp of the response (in “CCYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS format)