Sales Revenue Generated Report

This report lists all revenue generated by Branch, Salesperson, and Order.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Branch ID

Enter *(all) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.

Date From

Enter the transaction generated date to begin selecting records on.

Date To

Enter the transaction generated date to end selecting records on.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by Branch, Salesperson, and then Order.


Header Information


The following information displays in the header for each order record:

    Shipper (Order Number)

    Booked Date

    Loaded Date

    Delivered Date



Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items for each record displayed:

    Document Number

    Document Description

    Batch Number

    Document Date

    Journal Date

    Generated Date

    Transaction Amount


Report Totals


The report provides the following total counts:

    Total Transaction Amount for the Order

    Total Transaction Amount for Move Type

    Total Transaction Amount for Salesperson