Recurring Billing Check Report

This report lists orders with storage (Recurring Billing) that may cause application errors due to missing values for Move Type, Commodity, or Authority, or if the Item Code associated to the billing item is not mapped correctly.


The report includes two sections, one for the check done on the Order Setup and the other is for the check done on the Item Code setup.


The Order Setup section lists all orders with storage where one, or all, of the Move Type, Commodity Type, or Authority Type fields are not being set.


 The Item Code Setup section includes all orders with storage where the storage item is still active (IsFinishedBilling flag of the Storage Item is equal to “0”) and the Item Code is not mapped to an Item Code Detail record (ICDetail.ICDPriKey is null).









Report Details


Report Grouping


No grouping is in effect.


Header Information


No header information displays.


Detail Information


The report lists the following detailed items within two separate sections:


Order Setup Section:

    Order ID

    Order Number

    Storage Type

    Move Type




Item Code Setup Section:

    Order ID

    Order Number

    Storage Type

    Move Type Group

    Move Type



    Item Code

    ICDetail ID


Report Totals


The report provides the total order count for each section.