Office & Industrial Move Reports


With the introduction of the module in MoversSuite 2017 R04, these reports are considered obsolete.


Two reports are available to assist users working with O&I Moves. Each report is part of the standard package of reports provided by MoversSuite.  The two reports specific to Office & Industrial moves are:


OI Master Invoice Report

OI Order Inquiry Report


The OI Master Invoice report lists all invoices generated under a given Primary Order Number for each sub-order for a specified period.  All invoices generated under a single Primary Order Number are combined into one invoice.  Use this report to verify revenue for a given Invoice period and to report detailed activity for the entire move. 


Use the New Complete Invoice to view and reprint individual invoices.


The OI Order Inquiry report requires the Primary Order Number and will list all sub-orders and related service information by work ticket number.  This report provides an overview of all services related to O&I Moves.





Work Ticket