JSON Lead Upload Request Example


The following is an example of lead upload request in JSON format. Refer to Pass Thru Connector Upload Format for property details.




  "OrderNumber": {

    "MssOrderID": null,

    "XmlSystemDataTypeMapName": "Pass Thru Connector Order Information",

    "OrderSeg": null,

    "PSeg": null,

    "OSeg": null,

    "SSeg": null,

    "EstimateNo": null,

    "VanLineID": null,

    "ExternalID": "X1065612999",

    "GblNumber": null


  "AllowEmptyOrderCreate": true,

  "Commodity": "HHG",

  "ShipmentType": "M",

  "ShipmentStatus": "Lead",

  "LeadSource": null,

  "LastName": "Lead-Starter",

  "FirstName": "Robert",

  "EMail": "johndoe@aol.com",

  "Addresses": [


      "Type": "ORIG",

      "Address3": "Room 111",

      "Address2": "Suite 1",

      "Address1": "111 Las Vegas Blvd",

      "City": "Las Vegas",

      "State": "NV",

      "Postal": "89147-7812",

      "County": "067",

      "CountryCode": null,

      "Country": "USA"



      "Type": "DEST",

      "Address3": "Floor 2",

      "Address2": "Bldg 4444",

      "Address1": "222 Main St",

      "City": "Boulder",

      "State": "CO",

      "Postal": "80304",

      "County": "009",

      "CountryCode": null,

      "Country": "USA"



      "Type": "MOV2",

      "Address3": "Floor 3",

      "Address2": "Bldg 2222",

      "Address1": "333 MovingTwo Drive",

      "City": "Las Vegas",

      "State": "NV",

      "Postal": "89102",

      "County": "CLARK",

      "CountryCode": null,

      "Country": "USA"



  "Consigns": [


      "Type": "DEST",

      "Description": "Fred E. Krueger",

      "Name": "Bobee Smith",

      "EMail": null,

      "Phone": {

        "Country": "1",

        "Area": "222",

        "Local": "222-2222",

        "Ext": "22"




      "Type": "ORIG",

      "Description": null,

      "Name": "Bobor Williams",

      "EMail": "bob@consignor.com",

      "Phone": {

        "Country": "1",

        "Area": "222",

        "Local": "111-1111",

        "Ext": "11"




  "Phones": [


      "Type": "ORIGHOME",

      "Ranking": 1,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "701",

      "Local": "555-1212",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "ORIGOTHR",

      "Ranking": 8,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "503",

      "Local": "901-1246",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "ORIGWORK",

      "Ranking": 7,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "702",

      "Local": "555-1213",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "DESTHOME",

      "Ranking": 2,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "801",

      "Local": "666-1212",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "DESTOTHR",

      "Ranking": 9,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "503",

      "Local": "302-3903",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "DESTWORK",

      "Ranking": 6,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "802",

      "Local": "666-1213",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "MOV2HOME",

      "Ranking": 3,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "901",

      "Local": "777-1212",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "MOV2WORK",

      "Ranking": 5,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "902",

      "Local": "777-1213",

      "Ext": null



      "Type": "CustomPhone",

      "Ranking": 4,

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "903",

      "Local": "777-1214",

      "Ext": null



  "Agents": [


      "AgentID": "M0631",


      "Type": "BOOK",

      "VanLineID": null



      "AgentID": "U1836",

      "AgentName": "PLANES MOVING \u0026 STORAGE, INC.",

      "Type": "ORIG",

      "VanLineID": null



      "AgentID": "M0623",


      "Type": "HAUL",

      "VanLineID": null



      "AgentID": "U0835",

      "AgentName": "Kloke Group",

      "Type": "DEST",

      "VanLineID": null



  "DelvActual": "2015-05-02",

  "DelvEarly": "2015-05-01",

  "DelvLate": "2015-05-04",

  "DelvPref": "2015-05-03",

  "LoadActual": "2015-04-21",

  "LoadEarly": "2015-04-20",

  "LoadLate": "2015-04-23",

  "LoadPref": "2015-04-22",

  "PackActual": "2015-04-07",

  "PackEarly": "2015-04-06",

  "PackLate": "2015-04-09",

  "PackPref": "2015-04-08",

  "ETA": "2015-05-06",

  "AssignedOn": "2015-04-18",

  "SalespersonId": "Bob0000001",

  "OaSurveyor": null,

  "DriverInfo": {

    "Id": null,

    "UserId": "Dr0004",

    "Agent": "0631",

    "AgentCode": "M",

    "Van": "108-623",

    "FirstName": "Bob",

    "LastName": "Driver",

    "Phone": {

      "Country": "1",

      "Area": "888",

      "Local": "888-8888",

      "Ext": "88"


    "Email": "DriverBob@driver.com"


  "Weight": 10600,

  "EstimatedWeight": 15000,

  "Tariff": null,

  "SitInfos": [


      "AgentId": "0194",

      "Type": "DEST",

      "Authorization": "Bob0001",

      "Days": 45,

      "DateIntoSitActual": "2015-03-23",

      "DateIntoSitEstimated": "2015-03-24",

      "DateOutSitActual": "2015-03-21",

      "DateOutSitEstimated": "2015-03-22",

      "VanLineID": "U"



      "AgentId": "0406",

      "Type": "ORIG",

      "Authorization": "Bob0002",

      "Days": 60,

      "DateIntoSitActual": "2015-03-25",

      "DateIntoSitEstimated": "2015-03-26",

      "DateOutSitActual": "2015-03-27",

      "DateOutSitEstimated": "2015-03-28",

      "VanLineID": "U"



  "Voyages": [


      "Info": "Bob00001",

      "Type": "SEA",

      "PortName": "LONG BEACH",

      "PortCode": "0010",

      "EstDeparture": "2015-03-21",

      "ActDeparture": "2015-03-20",

      "EstArrival": "2015-03-02",

      "ActArrival": "2015-03-01"



      "Info": "Bob00002",

      "Type": "SEA",

      "PortName": "CAIRO",

      "PortCode": "0002",

      "EstDeparture": "2015-02-21",

      "ActDeparture": "2015-02-20",

      "EstArrival": "2015-02-02",

      "ActArrival": "2015-02-01"



  "AllowUpdateOnMemos": true,

  "MatchMemosByCreateDate": true,

  "Memos": [


      "CreateDate": "2015-05-01",

      "VanLineCode": "NoteType01",

      "NoteSubject": "Note Subject is Lead",

      "NoteMemos": [

        "note detail line A-01"




      "CreateDate": "2015-05-02",

      "VanLineCode": "NoteType02",

      "NoteSubject": "Note Subject is Order",

      "NoteMemos": [

        "note detail line B-01"




  "ExtraStops": [


      "Type": "PICK",

      "StopNumber": 1,

      "Company": "Smith Mini Storage Center",

      "Contact": "Bob Smith",

      "Phones": [


          "Type": "CONTACT",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "111",

          "Local": "111-1111",

          "Ext": "11"



          "Type": "HOME",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "122",

          "Local": "111-2222",

          "Ext": "12"



          "Type": "WORK",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "133",

          "Local": "111-3333",

          "Ext": "13"



      "Address3": null,

      "Address2": null,

      "Address1": "537-A South Eastern Blvd.",

      "City": "Fayetteville",

      "State": "NC",

      "Postal": "28302",

      "County": null,

      "CountryCode": "USA",

      "Country": "USA"



      "Type": "PICK",

      "StopNumber": 2,

      "Company": "Taylor Services",

      "Contact": "Carl Weathers",

      "Phones": [


          "Type": "CONTACT",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "211",

          "Local": "222-1111",

          "Ext": "21"



          "Type": "HOME",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "222",

          "Local": "222-2222",

          "Ext": "22"



          "Type": "WORK",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "233",

          "Local": "222-3333",

          "Ext": "23"



      "Address3": "Back Floor",

      "Address2": "Suite 123",

      "Address1": "555 Main St",

      "City": "Las Vegas",

      "State": "NV",

      "Postal": "89101",

      "County": null,

      "CountryCode": "USA",

      "Country": "USA"



      "Type": "DEL",

      "StopNumber": 1,

      "Company": "ABC Store",

      "Contact": "Charles",

      "Phones": [


          "Type": "CONTACT",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "311",

          "Local": "333-1111",

          "Ext": "31"



          "Type": "HOME",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "322",

          "Local": "333-2222",

          "Ext": "32"



          "Type": "WORK",

          "Country": "1",

          "Area": "333",

          "Local": "333-3333",

          "Ext": "33"



      "Address3": "Bldg 1234",

      "Address2": "Suite 101111112212B",

      "Address1": "111 N 222 W",

      "City": "Spring Lake River Falls",

      "State": "NV",

      "Postal": "89999",

      "County": null,

      "CountryCode": "USA",

      "Country": "USA"



  "Military": {

    "BranchOfService": null,

    "Channel": null,

    "CodeOfService": null,

    "DestinationBaseCode": "KKFL",

    "DestinationBaseName": null,

    "DestinationBaseState": null,

    "GblNumber": "GBL----X",

    "OriginBaseCode": "AMNS",

    "OriginBaseName": null,

    "OriginBaseState": null,

    "RankGrade": "Rank----X",

    "ScacNumber": null,

    "ServiceOrderNumber": null,

    "SsnNumber": "XXX-XX-1235"


  "Automobile": {

    "Make": "Ford",

    "Model": "Mustang",

    "Weight": "2500",

    "WithShipment": true,

    "Year": "1967"

