GL Account Components for Crew Punch Advances


This section lists the components of GL Account that are maintained for Crew Punch Advances. The GL Account data is built and maintained with respect to the Default branch of the employee as set in the Branch Setup.


Key: A GL Account Number is formatted at this pattern: AA-BBBB-CDEEFFGGHH-IIIII

      AA = the 2-character company GL code on the employee's default branch (Branch.CompanyGLCode)

      BBBB = the 4-character GL code on the employee's default branch (Branch.GLCode)

      C is always set to "4" (which indicates that the account is an expense account)

      D = the 1-character GL code of the authority on the order of the local service of the time punch (AuthorityTypes.GLNumber)

      EE = the 2-character GL code of the move type group of the move type on the order of the of the local service of the time punch (MoveTypeGroups.GLNumber)

      FF = the 2-character GL code of the commodity on the order of the local service of the time punch (CommType.GLNumber)

      GG is always set to "02" (which indicates "employee")

      HH = the first 2 characters of the activity code of the time punch's activity (MobileCrewTimeActivity.ActivityCode)

      IIIII = the last 5 characters of the activity code of the time punch's activity (MobileCrewTimeActivity.ActivityCode)"