Driver Find


The Driver Find allows a user to quickly locate and set a driver by Driver ID or Last Name.  It is available through the ellipsis icon () adjacent to the Driver in Set Shipment Status.


Note: Access to the Driver Information data in Set Shipment Status is optional based on Shipment Status Setup.


Figure 28: Driver Find


The following data displays in the Driver Find window.  All data is pulled from the driver Personnel Setup record.




Last Name

The last name of the driver displays.

First Name

The first name of the driver displays.

Labor Type

The Labor Type (Labor Type Setup) assigned to the employee displays.

Driver ID

The company assigned driver number displays within this column. 

Note: Administered as the Driver Number in the Dispatch tab in Personnel Setup.

Cell Phone Number

The contact phone number set for the employee displays in this column.

Note: Administered as the Mobile number in the General tab in Personnel Setup.

Van Number

The identification linked to the van assigned to the employee displays.

Note: This field is populated by the Equipment Number (Equipment Setup) set for the Van Number assigned to the driver within the Dispatch tab in Personnel Setup.


Refer to Advanced Finds for usage information.