Claim Information Search Criteria


This section describes the Claim Information search criteria available to the Find within Claims.


Figure 11: Claim Information tab


The following table describes the data fields referenced within Claim Information tab of a Find. Refer to Find the topic for information on the functions available through this dialog.




Note: All claim information that is referenced below is available from the main work grid in Claims and through the Claim Detail screen.



Select one or more branches to search by. Branches selected here are compared to what is set within the Branch of the claim record.

Claim Number

Search for claims based on the Claim Number assigned to the claim. Search by full or partial claim number.

Claim Adjuster

Select the name or names of the employee to compare with the Adjuster set for a claim record,

Claim Status

Select records that match the Claims Status values selected here.

Claim Type

Select records that match the Claims Type values selected here.

Open Longer Than

The search retrieves records that have a Date Created equal to or older than the number of days entered within this field.

Actual Claim Received

Search for claims records based on the date set for the Actual Date Received on the claim record.

Actual Date Closed

Search for claims records based on the date set for the Actual Closed Date on the claim record.

Date Created

Enter a specific date, or a range of dates, to compare with the Date Created of a claim record. Entering a date in the first column selects all records with a Date Created that is equal to or greater (future) than the entered date.

Date Closed

Enter a specific date, or a range of dates, to compare with the Date Closed on a claim record. Entering a date in the first column selects all records with a Date Closed that is equal to or greater (future) than the entered date.

Multiple Loss Alert Number

Enter a value to compare to Multiple Loss Alert Number on the claim record.




Claim Detail
