Dashboard/Edit Reports > Properties > Components > Grid
Tabular reports offer the ability to “drilldown” into the data within multiple columns and the availability to drill down within up to three levels of detail.
Tabular is also the default Component type when creating a new report.
Refine Tabular reports by clicking Main Level Settings button and setting parameters on the Columns, Grouping, Sorting and Summarize By tabs. Each of these tabs are detailed under BI Tool Columns Grouping Sorting and Summarize By.
Each column within this view offers filter abilities. Click
the to further refine
the view. Any changes made to the view will not be saved. This allows for
“drilling down” into the data as needed. The view will only be saved it the Edit
Report pencil is any changes are saved by clicking the check mark on the
Properties page.
Figure 74: Example of a Tabular report