Add Distribution Item

MoversSuite > Revenue Entry > Transactions tab > Add Item > Revenue Item > Distribution Information


Use the Add Distribution Item dialog to define distributions to a branch for a specified percentage of the revenue amount.  The application will create transactions for each defined distribution.  Access to the Add Distribution Item screen is through Add Revenue Item.


Graphical user interface, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 48: Add Revenue Item screen with Distribution Item Add button outlined


Clicking Add opens the Add Distribution Item screen.


Graphical user interface, text, application

Description automatically generated

Figure 49: Add Distribution Item


The following table describes the fields and functions available within this screen.



Users cannot add a distribution item to a revenue item containing a third party item or commission.






Select the branch receiving the distribution of revenue from the list of those defined in Branch Setup.


Enter the percentage distribution of revenue that the branch.  Enter a value ranging from 0 to 100 utilizing decimal places to the hundredths (e.g. 12.50 for 12.5 %).



Posting Information

This option opens the Posting Information dialog allowing the user to view key data for a posted item.  The Posting Information button is available for posted items only.

See Dynamics GP Order Inquiry for more data on posted items.


Users can press Save to add or update the third party record and close the screen.


Selecting Cancel will discard any changes made and close the screen.