Equipment Quantities


The Equipment Quantities tab, available through the Enter Actuals screen, allows you to identify the date the equipment was returned along with the quantity returned for billing.


Figure 45: Equipment Quantities tab


Only resources that dispatch by quantity list in this tab. To set actuals for equipment dispatched by time, utilize the Equipment Times tab.


To use this tab, select the equipment you wish to affect by clicking in the box  associated to their record. You can also select records by right-clicking on the record and choosing Check All.


Set the date the item was returned and count of items returned. Once set, press the Add button and the entry is added to the right pane for the checked items.


Remove an entry through a right-click option of Remove Time Entry.


When all the entries are made, you can navigate to other tabs or press the Save button on the Enter Actuals screen.


Reference the following table for descriptions of the fields and functions available through this tab.





Provide the date that the item was returned. You can create multiple return records per equipment item for the service, depending on your needs.

Refer Date Fields to Time Fields and for information on data entry.

Press Add to create the time block entry for the selected equipment.

Number Returned

Enter the number of items return on the particular date for the item.


Press this button to add a returned quantity entry for the selected items. 

You can remove an entry by choosing the right-click option of Remove Time Entry.

Equipment Selection Pane (left)

Use this pane to select the equipment you wish to add entries for actual quantities utilized for a service.


Click on the box to either check or uncheck the record. A checkmark indicates that you have selected the record. Selected records appear in the right pane, if actual time entries are set for the resource, and an entry is created for selected records when Add is pressed.

Equipment Number

The identifier assigned to the equipment resource displays. The identifer is set for the resource within Equipment Setup.


The category that the resource lists under displays. The Type is tied to the Equipment Setup record.

# Dispatched

The number of items originally dispatched displays in this column for reference.

Actual Quantity Entry Pane (right)

Use this pane to view and remove quantity entries for the selected equipment resource.

This section is grouped by items that have quantity return entries made for them. There is also a count of returned items for the resource within the group title.

# Returned

Count of the number of items returned on the specified date displays.

Date Returned

Date the items were returned displays.


The name of the MoversSuite user that entered the record displays.



Capacity Planning

Edit Equipment

Reserve Equipment

Set Service Time