Basic Order Information Request


Use this request to retrieve basic information on the order for the provided Orders.PriKey.


Request Format





Request Parameters


The following table describes the parameters available for the Basic Order Information Request.





Provide the name of the server running the API Service. 


Provide the Orders.PriKey of the record you wish to retrieve through this request. Locate an Orders.PriKey based on Order Number through the Find Order Request.



Request Return


Upon a successful call, the request returns order information in XML or JSON format as detailed within Pass Thru Connector Content.


Upon an error, the request returns an error code along with an error description. In the example below, the API Service was unable to locate an order based on the information provided.


{"ErrorCode":999999,"Issue":"MssOrderID: 72-1-2 not found."}





Request to retrieve order information for a primary key of “1092”.




Returns basic order information as specified through the Pass Thru Connector:

