Local Services Comparison Report

This report compares the services and crew assignments between two periods for each branch.  It provides a count for service and crew assignment, as well as and the variance (or difference) between the counts of each date range specified.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report is generated or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Services Date From A

Enter the service date to begin selecting records on for the first period.

Services Date To A

Enter the service date to end selecting records on for the first period.

Created Before A

Enter an order created date as the cutoff date for the record selection for the first period.

Services Date From B

Enter the service date to begin selecting records on for the second period.

Services Date To B

Enter the service date to end selecting records on for the second period.

Created Before B

Enter an order created date as the cutoff date for the record selection for the second period.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups in order by the following:


Service Group


Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.





Displays the Branch ID and Name of the branch set for the service.

See Add Local Service and Branch Setup for more information.

Service Group

Provides totals based on groups defined within Service Type Setup.

Services A

Count of scheduled services for the service date range A.

Services B

Count of scheduled services for the service date range A.


Displays the count difference between the number of service in service date range B less the count of those in service date range A.

Variance %

Displays the services count variance divided by the Services A value.

Crew A

Count of crew members needed for services in service date range A.

Crew B

Count of crew members needed for services in service date range B.


Displays the count difference between services in service date range A and service date range B.

Variance %

Displays the crew count variance divided by the Crew A value.



Report Totals


The report provides the following totals information:

    Branch totals for each detailed item

    Report totals for each detailed item