Driver Advances Report


This report lists all advances given to drivers by branch and for a given date range.






Drill Down All

Select True to expand all display groupings when the report generates or choose False to collapse all display groupings.

Branch ID

Enter *(all branches) to include all branches, or select branches from the drop-down list.

Advance Date From

Enter the advance date to begin selecting records on.

Advance Date To

Enter the advance date to end selecting records on.


Report Details


Report Grouping


The report groups by Branch then Driver.



Detail Information


The following table describes the fields that display on this report.  See Advance Management and Advance Processing for more information.




Branch Information



Displays the Branch ID followed by the Name of the branch of service as defined within Branch Setup.


Displays the total amount advanced under the branch during the selected date range.

Driver Information



The name of the driver advanced funds during the selected date range displays. 


Displays the total amount advanced to the driver for the branch and during the selected date range.

Emp #

The Employee # set for the driver within Personnel Setup displays.

Drv #

The Driver # set for the driver within Personnel Setup displays.

Fuel ID

The Fuel ID set for the driver within Personnel Setup displays.

Trip(s) Data

All data accessible through Long Distance Dispatch

Trip #

Displays the trip number that the driver is assigned to.

Order #

Displays the MoversSuite Order Number linked to the trip.


The creation date of the advance displays.

Created By

The MoversSuite user (Long Distance Dispatcher) that generated the advance to the driver displays.


The dollar amount of the advance displays.


Displays the description associated to the advance generation. 


Advances generated with the Do Not Send to Banking Service option set in Add/Edit Advance will display “Manual” in this column



Report Totals


No report totaling is in effect.