Commission Statement Summary Report

Produced through the Commission Statement Management screen, this report provides a list of all vendors associated to the statement run and the current total amount paid.


This report typically runs in conjunction with the Commission Statement Report.




This is a system-generated reported. 





This is a system-generated report requiring the Commission Statement Header ID.




Link this summary report to the Create New Statement and View buttons within Commission Statement Management by assigning the report to a Report System Location of “Commission Statement Summary Report.”



Report Details


Report Grouping


No grouping of data is in effect.


Header Information


The Vendor Class and the selected Due Date display in the report header under the title.


Report Information


The report lists the following detailed items:


    Vendor Name (Vendor Identification)

    Total Amount Paid for all Transactions (total Amount Due)

    GP Build Payments Total



Report Totals


The following report totals are available:


    Total Number of Vendors

    Total Amount Paid to all Vendors for all transactions



Commission Statement Report