Capacity Planning Bucket Type


Each Bucket is assigned to a specific Bucket Type that determines how the availability is calculated.


 The following table describes each of the Bucket Types available and how the application determines the availability of that type:



Bucket Type


Equipment Count

Equipment availability based on the number of items requested or assigned to the resource is evaluated.

The count of items specified through the Equipment Request within the Add Local Service screen is the count of items requested. This is compared to what is available for the branch, as determined by supported Equipment Type Setup records. Once the service is assigned through Local Dispatch, then the actual assigned counts (and hours of availability) are compared to what is defined within supported Equipment Setup records.

Columns within Capacity Planning include crew counts and hours based the total defined, the amount in use, and the amount available.

Equipment Hourly

Equipment availability based on hours requested or assigned to the resource is evaluated.

Items selected through the Equipment Request for the given Service Time (both set through the Add Local Service screen) determine the requested hourly need. The items available must link to supported Equipment Type Setup records.

Once the service is assigned through Local Dispatch, then the actual assigned hours are compared to what is defined within supported Equipment Setup records.

Packing Count

Packing materials available that are based on the Packing items assigned to services through the Containers, Packing and Unpacking (CPU) assignment are evaluated.

The application references the estimated Packing counts throughout capacity planning. Specifically, the counts entered for the Estimate column under Packing within Update Containers, Packing and Unpacking for a service determine availability (CPU button within Add Local Service).

Personnel Count

Labor that has availability determined by individual count is evaluated. For planning purposes, a person is only counted once for an entire day of service. So, if a driver is requested for a two-hour service, they are considered fully utilized for the entire day.

Prior to dispatch assignment, the application references the items specified within the Labor Request within the Add Local Service screen to determine availability.

After assignments have been made to a service in Local Dispatch, the application counts individual assignments on the service to determine capacity.

Personnel Hourly

Labor availability based on hours assigned is evaluated.

Requested service times are referenced for supported Labor Request within the Add Local Service screen and assigned services are evaluated on what is defined for the employee through their Personnel Setup record.