AR Balance Summary


The AR Balance Summary section a report of revenue, payment, adjustments, and the current accounts receivable balance for customers with posted transactions linked to the order.  Access to AR Balance Summary is through the Summary tab in Revenue Entry.  Only transactions posted in Microsoft Dynamics GP appear in the AR Balance Summary.


Figure 62: AR Balance Summary section

The following table describes the fields included in the AR Balance Summary.



More on posting information for an order is available through the Dynamics GP Order Inquiry.





Right-Click Option

To get up-to-date information on the account standing use the Refresh option available by right-clicking within this grid. This pulls in the latest revenue data from Microsoft Dynamics GP for the listed accounts.

Customer (Number)

An automatic grouping based on the customer name and number (in parenthesis) appears within the data grid.  Expand () this group to view a listing of specific item codes referenced for transactions created for this customer. 


Note: The data grid provides a total balance for each customer.


Item Code

The specific Item Code description of the transaction recorded for the customer displays in this column.  The data for each customer can sort by the Item Code; press column heading to sort the data in ascending order () or descending order ().


This column displays the amount of posted revenue for the particular item.


Any payments or adjustments made to offset revenue for the item displays in this column.


The balance yet received for each item displays here (revenue less payment or adjustment).  Summary balance data for each customer and for the order as a whole is visible in the Balance column at the end of each Customer Name listing and at the bottom of the section.



Dynamics GP Order Inquiry