Get Order PriKey


This method returns the primary identifier for a non-archived Orders record based on a provided Order Number.


HTTP Verb/Method:


URL Format:



See Parameter listing below for details.


Locates an Orders.PriKey based on the provided Order Number. Upon a successful find, the request returns the primary key of the provided order. If the find request was not able to locate the order, then 0 returns.


The following table lists the parameters available for this method request.





Provide a complete Order Number or provide the order segment along within any segment (PSeg, OSeg, and SSeg) needed to identify the order.


Refer to Order Number Setup for information on the Order Number format.


If the order you are requesting is a van line order, provide the van line code needed to identify the van line associated to the retrieved order.


You can specify a DataTypeMapName parameter to instruct the application to retrieve the van line affiliation from a XML System Setup record. If the DataTypeMapName is not specified, then the provided VanlineId must associate to the order record and exist as a valid Van Line Code within Van Line Setup.


If you do not provide the VanlineId, then the application assumes that the order you are searching for has no van line affiliation (NULL set for Orders.VanLineFID).


Optionally, you can instruct the application to locate the van line affiliation of the order based on a particular data type system and VanlineId. To do this, enter the Name set for the Xml System Data Type within XML System Setup. For example, your company may have “UniGroup Order Information – Registration” setup within the details section in XML System Setup to link to order information requests from UniGroup. The application then references the Interface for this XML System Setup record and identifies the van line affiliation through a match between the provided VanlineId and the External Code of the XML Interface Setup record.


If looking up a primary key based on order segment, then optionally provide the partial, overflow, and set-off segments for the order you wish to look up.





Request Return



Upon a successful find, the request returns the primary key of the provided Order Number. Utilize this primary key value to retrieve order data through the Get Order Metadata request or others that need an Order table identifier.



If the find request was not able to locate the order, then 0 returns.