Claims Bookmarks


The following bookmarks are specific to the Claims module. You must select a claim record within the Claims module to view the data of the bookmarks listed here.



It is mandatory to view Claims Bookmarks through the Reports/Letters menu from within the Claims module, i.e., the Forms Designer documents with a System Location of "Claims Report/Letters" as defined within the Forms Designer Template Properties dialog.


NOTE: Two standard phone types are available as formal bookmarks for Home Phone and Work Phone (listed in the table below). Additionally, all other types defined within Claim Phone Type Setup are available as bookmarks. These show up when you select the Claims group within the Insert Bookmark dialog with “Phone” appended to it. For example, if your company has “Cell” defined as a phone type, then a bookmark is available titled “Cell Phone.”



MoversSuite Field Location

Actual Claim Received

Claim Detail > Actual Claim Received

Actual Closed to Customer

Claim Detail > Actual Closed to Customer

Alert Received Date

Claim Detail > Alert Received Date

Claim Adjuster

Claim Detail > Claim Adjuster

Claim Form Sent

Claim Detail > Claim Form Sent

Claim Items

Claim Items

The following data displays for each claim item:


Claim Damage Type

Claim Amount

Settlement Amount

Claim Number

Claim Detail > Claim Number

Claim Status

Claim Detail > Claim Status

Claim Type

Claim Detail > Claim Type

Claimant City

Claim Detail > Claimant City

Claimant Country

Claim Detail > Claimant Country

Claimant Name

Claim Detail > Claimant Name

Claimant Postal Code

Claim Detail > Claimant Zip

Claimant State

Claim Detail > Claimant State

Claimant Street Address

Claim Detail > Claimant Street Address

Date Closed

Claim Detail > Date Closed

Date Created

Claim Detail > Date Created

Home Phone

Claim Detail > Home Phone

Settlement Amount Posted

Summary (Claims) > Settlement Amount (Posted)

Shipper Deductible

Claim Detail > Shipper Deductible

Work Phone

Claim Detail > Work Phone